Weird Bubble On Female Guppy

The tank I brought from someone has been but we think some bacteria may have died during the transfer . But i put cycle in when we put water in.
alright then, i agree with TLM on a batcerial infection or maybe parasites,was the tank dirty when you got it?
No clean but the tank she came out of at the lady's house was a little dirty but it was the cleaning day also no other fish has the symptoms....
interesting im not sure of the disease but do you have a QT tank?
I have 4 tanks. One 190L which holds neons, dwarf Gs, large pleco, guppies, swordtails, mollies, angels and another random fish. 2 60L with hold guppies and mollies and 1 siamese fighter and a 20L which has guppy fry in and a siamese fighter who is in a breeder box with no holes cause he is sick im thinking he has cotton wool disease =/ Once the fish im selling in a 60L is sold that tank will be used as a breeding tank. We aren't getting anymore new fish for a while xD
TropicalFish13 said:
They should be fine, I did a water change today and used Prime which is to help with detoxing nitrite, nitrate and ammonia and produces a slime coat.
I suggest testing that tank to see what they are, rather than what they should be ;)
well all im saying is if its contaigous you want a QT so other fish wont get it.
Going to do some water tests tomorrow at the pet shop :)
trying to sell some mollies and guppies so hopefully I will when they are gone
TropicalFish13 said:
Going to do some water tests tomorrow at the pet shop

trying to sell some mollies and guppies so hopefully I will when they are gone
Try swapping the mollies and guppies for a test kit, so you can do it yourself. Most (not all) fish illnesses are ultimately down to poor water quality, to be able to tell if you've got a water problem without having to rely on the fish shop.
My pet shop don't take guppies atm :( I have a PH and Ammonia test kit but not the others so I need the others done
It'd be a good idea to run an ammonia test now, just to see if there's anything there - because ammonia irritates the fish, it can cause a number of things. Nitrite poisoning is different, it just suffocates the fish.
:( the bubble popped so I put her in a separate breeder box thing with no holes for her separate water but then she passed away a day later. I had also gave her a drop or 2 of melafix cause it looked like an open wound after it popped.

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