Weird Bronze Cory Eye


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Hello, I recently got a Bronze cory from my LFS in trade for a platy. I took him home, acclimated, etc. then I noticed that one of his eyes are different colored or something. Here's a pic

Is this a disease, or when he was in the wild or soemthing, did his eye get bitten.
His eye is still there btw, it's just a weird color.

Any ideas?
is he an albino? is his body pinky white? its hard to tell
Hmm, looks like he could be blind in that eye :dunno: Keep an eye on it though.

Oh, that's what I thought. I was just checking to make sure that it wasn't an infection or anything.

He doesn't look like he's in any stress, he swims around like normal, and hangs out with the other corys. I just got him yesterday from the LFS for free, and I didn't notice he was like that in the store, but he may have been.

Well, thanks for the help.

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