Weird Behavior From Panda Cories?


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
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I rescued two panda cories from my cousin (she recently closed her live bearer tank, and is now closing her mixed community). I know they do better in groups, and will be getting four more this week. I had intended to get panda cories all along anyway, so this is working out well.

I'm a bit concerned about these two though. They spend all day and night 'flying' across the front of the tank. Just going back and forth in an endless cycle. The only time they go to the bottom is when I drop in a disc for them to eat, and then it's back to this frantic swimming. They aren't hugging the bottom either- they're swimming up around mid-level.

The water parameters are fine. The other fish are five male guppies, who don't interact with the cories. The tank is a twenty gallon. There is plenty of cover, including live plants and driftwood.

I'm thinking maybe they're just stressed because they don't have a proper school? If I get four more from a petstore, will they all integrate together, even those two will most likely be older then the newcomers? My cousin had them for about eight months. She said they've always been like that, and she's only ever had the two.

I've seen enough cories in petstores and tanks here to know how they SHOULD act, and these two are definitely not happy fish. :( I just would like to know how to make it better for them.
Personally i wouldn't worry to much,my pandas are mad and are always swimming around like nutters very similar to yours unlike the rest of my cories who chill most of the time :rolleyes:

Its when then hide away and dont move or eat,then start worrying.

They will love company,has cories are placid they will mix with new comers very easily :nod:
Like said above,

I wouldn't worry too much, They will sure enough appretiate the company of four more friends. But as for the crazy swimming they will chill a little once settled in and happy.

THey are ok :)
I've got seven pandas and some of mine do that too. I think they're just enjoying themselves tbh!
Okay, thanks...I guess I just have racing cories then! I think the guppies think the cories are a bit nuts!

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