

Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
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How much does a 40 gallon glass tank with the rock, water and sand weigh? Is there a great way to dispurse the weight over a large surface area? I am in college and my apartment is the top (what used to be an attic) of a house. I have the money and the knowledge on how to setup and maintain a SW tank, but I am afraid that the weight may get in my way.

Any response is MUCH appreciated!!!!!
1 gallon of water weighs roughly 10lbs. Your 40 G tank won't hold all that water because of the displacement when you put the rock and sand and stuff in, so you can try to figure out how much water you actually put in your tank. The weight of your rocks will depend on how much you buy. Are you going to buy 1lb of LR per gallon like most people try to put in their tank? More? Less? you will know how much sand you put in there cuz there is usually the weight of the sand printed right on the bag. I don't know how much your tank weighs... I would guess that all I listed right there will probably be around 500lbs or so :/ that's dependent on how much LR and sand you put in...When you're putting your stand up, i'd try to get it over as many bracers or studs or wutever (i'm not a construction guy, i don't know the terms) as you can. Hopefully the house isn't terribly old or hasn't had termites :sick:
Well 500lbs is roughly 250kg... thats about the weight of four average adults. You could get a load of your friends round and all jump up and down in the space where the tank will go. If it holds, your probably ok. Of course if it breaks, your in trouble :lol:
4 small adults, I don't know any guys who weigh 125lbs :lol: My smallest guy friend prolly weighs more like 160. Get 4 chicks up there jumpin rope like on the Guy Game, it'll be funner that way for you if you're a guy. If you're a girl, then it'll be funner for me if you record it :p
Great advice. I will talk to my landlord about possible mite problems , etc. and ask him for a place in the apartment that he would suggest putting the tank.

As for the idea with the girls jumping up and down... I will definitely consider it! I'm sure my girlfriend could round up 3 of her friends and we'd have a great time. My girlfriend in 105 pounds... (Luckily, I help average it out around 125).

Any more information about stand design and/or other testing methods for the floor would, again, be MUCH appreciated. B)
No guy with any muscle tone will weight in under 140, and I'm talking like 5'8" guys.

I'm 180 when I am in six pack condition and 190 ATM
There really is no need for conern regarding a 40 gallon tank with liverock over a wodden floor. I had a 40 gallon setup on a wood flor and the tank sat across 2 wooden joists under the floor.

I was more concerned when i place my 100 gallon with 30 gallon sump on the veryt same floor. This held the weight also with no worries.

Here is a picture of the floor undr the floorboards before the tank sat on it.

Of course.. for the 220 gallon i am not taking the risk, the floor neds supporting for a tank that will weight 1 ton with the water alone :crazy:
Doesn't sound like you'll have a problem then canyoubelieveit. I would have thought that any floor that couldn't support three or four people jumping up and down shouldn't be allowed anyway.
yeah, your probably right around 500 pounds.

I have a 55 gallon on a wooden floor, and it is alright.
The area that I intend to place the tank in is carpeted. Will this greatly affect anything? I was hoping that the weight would not be a problem. I would buy a larger tank, but I'm too afraid of the supports. I figured that 40 would be the max for the area where I am now.

Of course... My parents house has a basement with cement flooring that could hold any size tank I would care to purchase! :D

But... then I would not have the joy of seeing the fishies every day :-(
Besides, they already have a tank at home... why should they have all of the fun??
My old 40 gallon and the present 100 gallon both sit on the carpet.
I think that I will have to try this out, thanks too everybody's encouragement.
What could happen if the tank were to be too heavy... I don't want to think of that :byebye: uh oh...I could be in trouble then.

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