Website That Sells Fighters

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Fighting two bettas is no different than two dogs or two roosters or a dog and a hog. Whether it's just for exhibition or to the death doesn't make a difference. You are intentionally putting two animals together to hurt one another. You cannot justify fighting two bettas without saying fighting two dogs is ok. And if you think dog/cock/hog fighting is ok, then there's just something seriously wrong with this society (obviously). And that crap about it being someone's culture is just that ......... crap. Just because my ancestors did something unethical for a long time does not justify doing it now. Genital mutilation was a cultural tradition which is slowly coming out of practice. People have to realize that some things are just not acceptable any more.
I know what you mean about what you said. I just didn't want one of our very helpful members to feel like he or she was getting ganged up on and I felt like that was going on. Maybe wrong on that. Ok, I'm out of this now.
I know what you mean about what you said. I just didn't want one of our very helpful members to feel like he or she was getting ganged up on and I felt like that was going on. Maybe wrong on that. Ok, I'm out of this now.

One of my neighbours stopped talking to me years ago..I was in conversation with her teenage boy..talking about bettas..he boasted that him and his mate had bought 2 bettas then put them in same tank to see who was the best...I didnt comment to him as he would have probably hit me..I wewnt to his mother and told her she said she would deal with it..I told her if it happened again I would report her...the boy was special needs but able to understand what he was doing. Nedless to say she didnt speak to me for years but the boy told me later that he didnt do it again and I believe him. I cant bear anything like this.

If Bettas fight in the wild that is nature, if Bettas fight in captivity that is man made cruelty.
I'm neutral about the whole fighting thing. My honest first thought when I clicked the link (apart from, "Ugh, not another thread!") was, "Wah! UGly sITE1;1J!!" :lol: They really should hire a professional designer to lend them a little more credibility, design is important when running an online business. Image is important. This is why stores have dress codes and this is why the US Army has a advertising budget in the millions.

I had meant to not voice this opinion from the get-go, but the thread's hung around long enough for me to shrug it off and give it a whirl. :)
people have diffrent opinions in this thread.......... I think maybe bettas should be bred for showing not really fighting....

Think of it as if they were humans(which some of the silly people on here do naturally, lol).
Would it be funny, amusing, or cool to watch 2 humans beat the crap out of eachother, until one was so hurt it had to surrender?
That's different from Wrestiling or Sumo.
I don't think an animal should be placed in a human controlled place where it might not make it out alive, intentionally.
Think of it as if they were humans(which some of the silly people on here do naturally, lol).
Would it be funny, amusing, or cool to watch 2 humans beat the crap out of eachother, until one was so hurt it had to surrender?
That's different from Wrestiling or Sumo.
I don't think an animal should be placed in a human controlled place where it might not make it out alive, intentionally.
Is that some sort of joke, or are you seroius because I have seen guys duke it out, Ive seen guys beat the crap out of each other, I have even seen the cops beat a man miserly, and I thought it was funny, and amusing. As for the betta thing goes, I dont really care...
I think the website had some beautiful fish but as they promote fighting, I would never endorse them. I think pairing off animals to wound each other (even if not fatally) is disgusting. Animals don't know better, it's instinct. It is unnatural to make two territorial animals be in such close quarters with each other that they feel the need to be aggressive to defend themselves. Now, humans on the other hand, know exactly how they should act and they have the cognitive capacity for good and rational judgement unlike animals forced to fight. Thus why two people fighting is funny and entertaining and why two animals fighting is not. :no:
i dont really think you can compare betta fighting to dog and cock fighting. the dogs and teh roosters are made to be mean while they are naturally not. its more of a psychological thing with the animal rather than genetic. while bettas are naturally aggressive, they arnt quite complex enogh mentally to be psychologically altered (im not saying their dumb). I respect Happy's kindness to capture and save a few fighting roosters, but i personally belive that those kinda of fighting animals should be uthinized to prevent harm comeing to other animals or people, i dont think they can be reformsed to become pets. As for betta fighting, its not just some sick game some idiot began, it has been around for many cneturys and has an extensive history of it's own. breeders treat thier fish with respect and rarely suffer casualties during or after a duel.
I think I'm going to close this up as this is a topic that never goes anywhere productive. Everyone has different opinions, and I hope that we respect each other just the same, and I'd like to keep it that way :)
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