Website That Sells Fighters

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i think fighting bettas can be an enjoyable sport if done between responsible handlers, but i dislike the international selling of fighters because it can encourage irresponsible activitys involveing bettas and other fish. definately liked the site, they had some pretty nice fish, dont think id keep anything that mean thogh :D
Just because I know its coming, I'll say it first.
Fighting bettas is a horrible, wretched thing to do. People obviously value money more than welfare of a living thing. :no:
I give that website, a very very low thumbs down!
Just because I know its coming, I'll say it first.
Fighting bettas is a horrible, wretched thing to do. People obviously value money more than welfare of a living thing. :no:
I give that website, a very very low thumbs down!

No, actually, that probably wasn't coming.
There's been a lot of debates about fighting bettas. I agree with Guppydude on this one. In Thailand, there is a really low death rate (if any) during the betta fight. It's what happen after the fight that matters. If the owner neglects it, the betta dies. The betta that is losing after a fight has been going on for a while is immediately pulled out to ensure that no death would occur. Fighting bettas is an art.
Yeah, I'd have to agree on the art thing. I've read all kinds of things about fights on the internet....most of them I hope are true in real life. According to some, the injured are nursed back to health and fights are NOT to the death. That website was disturbing to me as anyone could buy from them not knowing the art of it and the irresponsible could misunderstand and have fights to the death. You do see all kinds of ideologies out there beyond your comprehension and control. I used to live in a neighborhood where someone must have been keeping fighting cocks. Every once in awhile one would escape and you'd awken in the morning to the rooster's crow and wonder where in the h you were at first. I know those fights are to the death so I managed to rescue a few escapees.
:D Smuggling roosters from the cock-fighting-person-thingy was very nice of you to do! Did you get scratched, pecked,impaled, wing-punched, or bitten by those roosters?? I have heard once they have been bred to be mean they stay mean.... I don't really know much about fighting bettas but most people think of other animal sports that involve fights and normaly think of any animal fights to be "death-matches"..... Hopefuly not true with most betta fights... :X

claire :crazy: :blink:
Well, the site has good bettas, I'd just never fight them if I bought some from there :no: .
:< :< :< :<
Bad site!
Absolutely no Bettas will die after the fight. Winner/loser Bettas will be cured right after the fight and soem were released in the river (like what I do) The winner will be treated like a king and will mate to the most beautiful female Betta.

The offsprings will be the next fighters/breeders.

I hope this helps.

Absolutely no Bettas will die after the fight. Winner/loser Bettas will be cured right after the fight and soem were released in the river (like what I do) The winner will be treated like a king and will mate to the most beautiful female Betta.

The offsprings will be the next fighters/breeders.

I hope this helps.


in an ideal environment this is (hopefully) the case.
haven't been around much lately so don't know you brian but i'm glad you understand the importance of treating the fighters with respect.

as for the hardcore players who are only in it for the money they will care less for the losers and seriously beat-up fish, especially if they just lost a large amount of money, right? i mean it's only human nature + plakat are plentiful in southeast asia, we all know that.
i didn't see any losers getting picked up and brought home after the matches i saw but i like to think that the fight marshall treated them with respect after we had gone.

i've always been fascinated by the history and traditions of the fighting ring, but am realistic enough to know that not every match is done with respect for the fighters.
Absolutely no Bettas will die after the fight. Winner/loser Bettas will be cured right after the fight and soem were released in the river (like what I do) The winner will be treated like a king and will mate to the most beautiful female Betta.

The offsprings will be the next fighters/breeders.

I hope this helps.


in an ideal environment this is (hopefully) the case.
haven't been around much lately so don't know you brian but i'm glad you understand the importance of treating the fighters with respect.

as for the hardcore players who are only in it for the money they will care less for the losers and seriously beat-up fish, especially if they just lost a large amount of money, right? i mean it's only human nature + plakat are plentiful in southeast asia, we all know that.
i didn't see any losers getting picked up and brought home after the matches i saw but i like to think that the fight marshall treated them with respect after we had gone.

i've always been fascinated by the history and traditions of the fighting ring, but am realistic enough to know that not every match is done with respect for the fighters.

I know, however in my place I was the one who implemented here that Bettas should be cure ater the fight both the winner and the loser. I told them that if they can't cure the Bettas after fighting and it will just die, they will not be permitted to join the fight anymore.

So everyone here is learning. I agree with you with these people who really doesn't care about the Bettas, all they know is to get $$$ and that's all. But as I have said this people who's into $$$ doesn't really own any Bettas they are just financers and they only bet, so the handlers are the one fighting the Bettas and these people definitely takes care of their fishes before and after the fight.

The fighting roosters were very used to being handled and thus were easy to pick up and relocate. I suspect they're kind of like Bettas in that they'll only fight if with another of their kind or else goaded into fighting. I'm trying to think of what I did with them.....can't remember who I gave them to now but they went off someplace where they could die of old age.
Perhaps I shouldn't have raised this issue...oops! That website just sort of shocked me.

Brian, I think if I paid a bunch of $$ to have one sent over from someplace overseas I don't think I'd waste it by having it fight to the death that's for sure!!
Cultures are all different and we don't live there to see what people do or the spirit of how they do it either so how can we know then? Fish are a bit more fragile then roosters and it seems there's so much more pride in the breeding process than just coming out of a pen hidden in someone's basement like fighting roosters do here. I've seen photos of breeding rooms in Asia and it looks like great care was being given there. I think as a breeder I'd be very upset if my special fish got killed....!!
The fighting roosters were very used to being handled and thus were easy to pick up and relocate. I suspect they're kind of like Bettas in that they'll only fight if with another of their kind or else goaded into fighting. I'm trying to think of what I did with them.....can't remember who I gave them to now but they went off someplace where they could die of old age.
Perhaps I shouldn't have raised this issue...oops! That website just sort of shocked me.

We used to have a farm of Fighting Coks we have around 700 fighitng cocks + 200 Hens and chicks. I was into cockfighting and this is another South East Asian tradition especially in my country. This is considered as a local sports and entertainement to us.

But I shifted to Fish keeping and breeding since I don't have much time taking care of the Cocks and it cost us a lot of $$$ to raise them (feeds, salaries of the employees) I'm not trying to hi jack this thread, I just want to share something about the fightiers though I know a lot of the members of this forums doesn't like the idea and they really hate it. What I want to say is there are countries especially in SEA who's really into fighting and nobody can stops it because it's part and partial of their culture.

Let's go back to the topic ... :D

Personally, I think Betta fighting is just as "traditional" and "respectful" as Pit Bull fighting or, as was said, cock fighting. I would find absolutely no amusement in trapping 2 trained aggressive, territorial animals in a closed in space and basically forcing them to maim each other... just, not family fun to me. >_0
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