Website Pre-loader Issue


Cichlids, Catfish and Oddballs
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Shropshire UK
Hey can anyone help me with a flash actionscript problem, basicly I've got a preloader that seems to load but then then jumps to the home screen before the site has fully loaded, which is leading to issues if any links are clicked before the site has loaded,

the only actionscript i'm using is - ifFrameLoaded ("Scene 1", 1)

the issue can be seen here

Thanks in advance
It works well but if you try and click a link very quickly then it can take an extra second or two when with a flash site it should be instant. I have pm'd you
Works fine for me

The Pre-loader appears to work fine, but it takes you to the homepage before the site has loaded, so if you click on a link straight away the site is still loading and the whole thing temporarily goes blank.

It works well but if you try and click a link very quickly then it can take an extra second or two when with a flash site it should be instant. I have pm'd you

Exactly, and thanks for the link.

Anyone else have any suggestions?
To be honest do u need a pre-loader?

The time it take's to load the pre-loader is almost nothing so with out it you would just see the scene build which look's fine.

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