web sight for buying betas

i said fry can fit into 1/4 gal containers but dont suggest it. i now have enough 1/2 gal containers for my next spawn that i can use those. when someone says jam jar-i think of an ACTUAL JAM JAR! those htings are small...unless you buy jam in bulk.
i said anyhting under 1/2 gallon is unacceptable for adult bettas (2.5 months+)
shrks1fan said:
Jac, it all depends on what size the jam jars are, I'm not sure how "jam" jars got brought up specifically, but there are different size ones. Breeders regularly keep their maturing males in smallish containers as it's unreasonable to expect otherwise when you're dealing with 100's of fish. You say anything under 1/2 gallon is totally unacceptable, then you admit to useing 1/4 gallon. I assume you do plenty of water changes and keep the water quality good, so I'm sure your fish are just fine, hopefully others will do the same when using smaller containers. I'd rather have people use small containers but do enough water changes to keep the quality good then to have people use larger containers and think they never have to change the water (or rarely do). Jars ARE different from the cups in stores if they are larger than those cups and the water is changed regularly (the ones in stores are rarely if ever changed).

i just sourced some large 1 1/2 litre mason jars that i will be using more of in the future. they are fine for my juveniles. if water changes are done on a regular basis like we do (every three - four days) then there is no problem.
Well Jac, the whole small container (jam or whatever) was talking about what she could put her young fry in, it wasn't about keeping her adults in. You jumped all over the thread about the wrong thing, hehe. She is looking for good containers to RAISE her FRY in. I totally agree about the size adults should be kept in :)

dragonfish4life said:
my mom said she would help me breed betas (about 300$)

i need a good web page that sells half moon and crowntail betas i need a male and female...

thanks :D
I think with all the questions you have asked you should do a bit of research first and set your self up with all these things before you get your bettas, and breed them, its not just a case of breeding them as others guys have said raiseing the fry is not as simple as a guppy,and if you end up with a load of bettas that you cant get rid of its a lot of work keeping the water clean without a good filtration system, and it could be in the hundreds :D :D :D
jacblades said:
i dont see what every one is freaking out about 1/2 gal. or jam jars seem
because jam jars are cruel. its no different from using cups like the ons at the lfs.
yes their is and i dont care what you say any more :lol:

differnce is they are young fry...
shrks1fan said:
Well Jac, the whole small container (jam or whatever) was talking about what she could put her young fry in, it wasn't about keeping her adults in. You jumped all over the thread about the wrong thing, hehe. She is looking for good containers to RAISE her FRY in. I totally agree about the size adults should be kept in :)

yeah... also

think with all the questions you have asked you should do a bit of research first and set your self up with all these things before you get your bettas, and breed them, its not just a case of breeding them as others guys have said raiseing the fry is not as simple as a guppy,and if you end up with a load of bettas that you cant get rid of its a lot of work keeping the water clean without a good filtration system, and it could be in the hundreds

you must not have read it... :sly:
Xellos69 said:
bumping this topic up again. any web sites that specifically sell plakats?
ty for bumping here is what i tried


and... umm the one wuv sugjested (very expencive and you dont get to keep the boxes i think bcbetta is the best, or do you get to keep the boxes? im not sending mine back!!! :lol: )
no i also think you need to do more research. jam jars (as in jars that are roughly the size of coke cans) ARE unacceptable for fry. thats what size the jams in my fridge are. i dont know what size you are talking about.
xellos-aquabid has lots of plakats but they are all pretty much from thailand.
pickle jars are like 1.3G (thats what the jar label said) so i still think it will be fine

and the adult betas would be keep in 2G plastic goldfish containers i found at the dollor store... NOW do you think it will be ok?

better be happy i just spent 25$+tax for you!!! :lol:
wait-that cant be right. 1.3 gallons. thats a lot of pickles... its probably at leat 10 inches high-is that right?
jacblades said:
wait-that cant be right. 1.3 gallons. thats a lot of pickles... its probably at leat 10 inches high-is that right?
no... just the ones like the people at the hotdog stand has... (not the small pickles its the BIG kind)

about 4'' tall and 3'' wide? hard to tell its round

but also the goldfish things from the 1$ store

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