Weather Loach Diagnosis


New Member
Mar 6, 2009
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So here's the story:

I have a 70l tank stocked with:

1xWeather Loach
1x Kuli Loach
5x Glowights
1x Rosy Tetra (This one was a stow away with the glowlights!)
1x Bristle Nose Plec

The tank has been up and running for about 9 months.

I recently added the tetra's but stupidly didn't quarantine them before adding to the tank and as a reselt I had an outbreak of whitespot. This is now under control (treating with anti-whitespot and extra ariation) and there are no visible sings of whitespot on any of the fish anymore.

However I've noticed that over the past couple of days my weather loach has not been looking to well. He's gone quite a funny colour and has a sort of milky film over both of his eyes and a patch of lighter colour to his skin just behind the gills. (See pictures)

Normally he's much darker in colour and he looked so bad at one point I thought he had died but when i went in with a net he moved out the way. Also he's definately stopped eating over the last 2 days which is completely out of the ordinary as usually he's the first one in at the food.

So I've been reading up to see what's wrong with him but does anyone have any opinions? I thought it might be some other symptoms of white spot but I never saw any spots on him at all.

The tank stats are:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10ppm
Temp: 28 C
Ph: 6.5


could possibly be the medication you used to treat the whitespot, some loaches dont handle it very well im afraid. :(
I would do a water change and dilute the med down.
Have you increased aeration in the tank.
I would do a water change and dilute the med down.
Have you increased aeration in the tank.

Yes I have done as said in the original post. I was planning to do a water change tonight so I'll see if that helps him.

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