We Would Love To Get Some Rams...


Apr 6, 2009
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We really love rams, we have a 29g tank which we would like to add 2 rams to our community tank. Tank includes all peaceful fish such as cory's, oto's, embers and shrimp.

Which do you suggest we get?

Thanks guys x
We really love rams, we have a 29g tank which we would like to add 2 rams to our community tank. Tank includes all peaceful fish such as cory's, oto's, embers and shrimp.

Which do you suggest we get?

Thanks guys x

Golds all the way!! :good:

bolivians are ace to,as are german blue's

i have a pair of golds and german blue's,eventualy i may get a pair of bolivians too!!

i say golds as they look awesome,but if you want true bright colours go for the german blues!!

hope this helps
Aww thanks for the reply.

They are all so lovely, seen your pics! :good:

I am mainly after the most peaceful :)
They are both relatively peaceful, although Bolivian Rams tend to be much hardier than German Blue Rams
German Rams also require a temp of 26C + whereas Bolivians will be fine from 22C upwards
How mature is your tank ? Blue Rams are very sensitive and require mature soft water. I have never kept gold or Bolivian, but it is a well known fact that the Bolivian ram is a more hardy fish.
Oh ok, i wouldn't go for GBR then because the corys prefer cooler water.

What are gold like?

Also our lfs had some rams named "euro ram"???? looks very much like bolivian to me though? Think they were?
I'd recommend bolivians...here's my boy, taken about 1 month ago.

Since then he has coloured up further and has some pretty impressive extensions on his tail.
Also as above, the Bolivian can withstand slightly lower temperatures which your other fish will appreciate and are a bit more tolerant of less than perfect water conditions!

Edit: I've seen Bolivians under the name Royal, Red and Butterfly. Worst comes to worst write down the latin on a piece of paper and take it with you. Give it to them and see what comes of it...
Oh he is gorgeous,thanks for sharing the pic :)

How do you tell male and females apart?
Eugh, don't even get me started on that one!
Basically, if you have room to buy a group to allow them to pair then you can do it that way. (And re-home the rest)
You can vent them, literally pic them out of the water and see if their 'vent' is bigger than their anus, that would be a female.
You can wait until they are 100% mature, if they show no characteristics of being male and at least a couple of female ones then you know you have a female.
Or, go down the route I probably will if I want one. Get in touch with a supplier who has breeding females they're willing to sell to you. I found one if you would like me to PM you?

However, in the LFS when they're around 1-1.5" then you can tell some are male sometimes....but the rest could be female or adolescent males....
I'd convinced myself that my boy was a girl because he was quite a late developer :blush: , or perhaps I'm just impatient!

Edit: Due to my sleepy brain making me forget how to type
OMG quite complicated then :lol:

Ok so if i ended up with 2 females or 2 males would they be ok together like no agression?
Don't quote me, but in your sized tank I don't think there'd be quite enough room for them to establish territories. If they couldn't then I'm pretty sure 2 males would fight. As for females, not sure...but they might.
Like I said, if you do go for Bolivians I can always put you in touch with a fish shop that breeds them? They were perfectly happy to sell me one of their females.
Oh i see, yes please if you don't mind can you pm me the info :)
Bolvian rams for sure I have a little boy that is awesome not shy at all I had blue balloon rams they were shy and crazy.
Oh ok, i wouldn't go for GBR then because the corys prefer cooler water.

What are gold like?

Also our lfs had some rams named "euro ram"???? looks very much like bolivian to me though? Think they were?

Golds are the same species, they are just German Blue rams sp. gold

Euro rams are german blue rams
Don't forget apistogramma and keyhole are also an option.

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