We Lost Another One


May 5, 2006
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We lost another Panda yesterday. :rip: :byebye:

Had a good look at it when we got it out, nothing looked wrong with it at all. No marks, blotches, scale problems. All water stats were normal. The water in this tank is absolutely crystal clear as it is understocked and the only fish are very small waste producers.

We are now down to 4 out of the original 7 in a matter of 1 week. Since the first 2 went, we have been keeping a really close eye on them and they have been eating and acting their normal little cory selves, so who knows what happened to this guy?

If we eventually lose all of them, which I think is likely, we won't get any more. If we ever keep more Panda's it will be in a species tank - just Panda's and nothing else. If any more go we will have to build the numbers up but will go with another type.

I hate losing fish :-(
:-( So sorry to hear Bex.

If there are no apparently reasons for them dying, and all the other fish are healthy, they might just be a very weak group. I think a lot of people have problems with them if they in bred too much (just my opinion). We made sure we got ours from different LFS's and haven't had major problems with our fry, or pandas for that matter. We do keep a vigilant eye on them, as you are, so any sign they're off to the sick tank. I really hope you don't loose any more.

Hope it all sorts out soon and you have a happy healthy tank.

Keep well
Carmen :/
Thanks guys, I'm kind of resigned to the fact that losing more is a big possibility.

All the other fish in the tank are fine so perhaps you are right Carmen about bad stock :/ It certainly is nothing to do with bad water quality, or stress as this tank is what we have nicknamed our Karma tank as it is so peaceful. Just little fish. The sandy substrate and little rocks scattered make it a look a bit like a Buddhist garden :lol:

On the plus side, my whippies seem to be thriving in there. They are growing at a rate of knotts. I'm going to make my hubby upload the pics tonight for you Carmen so you can see them when we first got them. Pics might not be great quality though. :D

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