we just discovered my dogs true potential


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
my dog samantha, a golden labrador and large breed samoyed cross who weighs over 150lbs is a freaking tank
she is the sweetest dog if you know her
more then devoted
she would put her life in front of yours to save you any day
this dog would be happy to spend every waking minute by your side no matter how boring, or uncomfortable (for example scortching heat even though she is a snow breed)
she is even protective over her family and friends
and will occationally bark or growl if a stranger approaches her family
she is the sweetest girl i have ever had
if she knows you (for example me) you can literally take food right from her mouth, tackle her to the ground, make her wear a hat, and she'll willingly cooperate just to be with you (not that i would be so mean) :lol:
i have slept with my face millimeters from hers knowing i am completley safe in every way
i can play rough with her and we restle or throw a ball around and no matter how rough we get she is always careful not to hurt me if she can help it

anyways my point is she is a very good dog
but i fear my parents are going to get rid of her
you see, we don't have a big yard and this dog needs acreage for adequate exercise
so i walk her for an hour in the morning and if i have time, another 1/2-1 hour at night
the problem is if i stop walking her for a couple days if i am absolutley swamped with work, errands, etc.
then she can get distraught
she wines, pounds on the door (which sounds like someone taking a hammer to it)
she busted through our patio gate (literally tearing metal from welded metal) to get at the back kitchen door and shredded our screen door and scratched a new metal door trying to get in when she missed her walk for a couple days
we put a couple thick boards at the bottom of the patio stairs and we had them through bars so they couldn't be removed and she rammed them and rammed them and finally jumped over them (the boards are about 4.5ft high)
she even busted an entire board out the back of our heavy duty fence while chasing down a raccoon :S
so i've been walking her every day without fail so that she would calm down and my dad wouldn't get rid of her
she's not good with strangers and i know she would not easily go with someone else

last night though kids were throwing around fire crackers a few streets down and my dog was so afraid
i tried to put her in a dog run beside the house where she couldn't wreck anything but i soon had to release her (in literally seconds) as she busted 2 boards out of the gate in one hard pound
i was afraid she would break it right off of the hinges

i don't know what to do
if we can't keep her chances are she'll have to be euthanized :byebye:


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my big baby
2 years old

EDIT: this is the screen door she later demolished and right behing her to her left is the stairs which she busted the metal gate from


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Pointy_kitty said:
if we can't keep her chances are she'll have to be euthanized :byebye:
if for some reason you all find you just can't keep her, first look into rehoming her. put an ad in the paper, call around to local NO-KILL shelters and animal rescue groups, ask friends, take her to the park and look for people interested, etc. 100s of animals are put down every day for this reason, and really, its not necessary (see the link in my signature to see some great dogs who found themselves in that same position). she's obviously a wonderful dog who just needs the right home. do everythign you can to find that right home pointy. don't let her be put down just becasue you all can't provide her the home she needs.
I agree with MAM I couldnt bring myself to put a animal down either, I know you will do the right thing Pointy Kitty You have to much love inside your self for animals I can tell by the way you post here and your little baby that passed away a few weeks ago.
MAM said:
Pointy_kitty said:
if we can't keep her chances are she'll have to be euthanized :byebye:
if for some reason you all find you just can't keep her, first look into rehoming her. put an ad in the paper, call around to local NO-KILL shelters and animal rescue groups, ask friends, take her to the park and look for people interested, etc. 100s of animals are put down every day for this reason, and really, its not necessary (see the link in my signature to see some great dogs who found themselves in that same position). she's obviously a wonderful dog who just needs the right home. do everythign you can to find that right home pointy. don't let her be put down just becasue you all can't provide her the home she needs.
i would never euthanize her without just cause
the dog is in my fathers name
he decides
and he loves the dog to
but she is at high risk as a fear biter
she is not ok with strangers
she will only acccept new people if i am in our yard, and i am with the new person
outside of our yard she will bark and even growl at anyone who approaches (she even has been latley with kids if they are running towards her)
i am 99.9% sure she would not go with someone else to be rehomed
she is a fairly spooky dog and is only trusting and gentle with family and close friends/relitives
that is the problem
I am going threw the same thing with my dog right now, I know how you feel as I said before I know you will do the best you can with it no matter what the decision is I will support you. Lets just hope you can figure something out, If you need to talk to some one I am at [email protected] that is my messenger address list me as a contact I am almost always on line...... Feel free to buzz me anytime...
Angel Lady said:
I am going threw the same thing with my dog right now, I know how you feel as I said before I know you will do the best you can with it no matter what the decision is I will support you. Lets just hope you can figure something out, If you need to talk to some one I am at [email protected] that is my messenger address list me as a contact I am almost always on line...... Feel free to buzz me anytime...
thats very sweet of you to be so supportive
lets hope it doesn't come to the harsh decision of euthanization
my grandfather has a dog very simular to mine and it is his soulmate :wub:
he said he would take our dog in a heartbeat and my dog loves him
but my grandma hates the dog he already has and does not want another :unsure:

but i have a plan to make her stop being so destructive

an hour long morning walk, 2 hours (at a specific time i know someone will always be home) in the house and and hour walk at night
i have it at hours so that if for some reason i am busy, someone can help me out :thumbs:

wish me luck!
:eek: Euthanized?!

In the nicest possible way (as I would only even be nice to you) PK, I ask you to look up the meaning of that word before usuing it in that context.

Rehome her, train her, get a dog psychologist out but please don't think that killing her would be in her best interests.
Cheese Specialist said:
:eek: Euthanized?!

In the nicest possible way (as I would only even be nice to you) PK, I ask you to look up the meaning of that word before usuing it in that context.

Rehome her, train her, get a dog psychologist out but please don't think that killing her would be in her best interests.
i have been working with her, trainin gher and she will not warm up to strangers

euthanized was the word i was looking for
and lastly i will say this again, in the nicest possible way, SHE CANNOT BE REHOMED
she does not trust strangers, if i give her to the spca she will be euthanized
or she will be sent home with a stranger only to bite them and be returned
she is at high risk to fear bite,
and there is no way i will ever find a dog psychologist anywhere near here
unless i go longdistance and pay big bucks that i do not have
While I wish you luck,it doesn't sound like there is too much hope :( and for that I am truly sorry.
It is a very sad thing when one has to face facts and realize putting a beloved pet down is the best and the only responsible choice left.
Personally,I applaud you for being so responsible.So many would just dump this animal off on the spca without warning,not caring what child/adult was injured or killed.
No one should be comming down on you for realizing this may be the only option.It is very clear that you and your family adore this animal and have done and will continue to do your best to keep her and provide a secure ,loving home for her...
Best of luck to you and your family.....
BlueIce said:
While I wish you luck,it doesn't sound like there is too much hope :( and for that I am truly sorry.
It is a very sad thing when one has to face facts and realize putting a beloved pet down is the best and the only responsible choice left.
Personally,I applaud you for being so responsible.So many would just dump this animal off on the spca without warning,not caring what child/adult was injured or killed.
No one should be comming down on you for realizing this may be the only option.It is very clear that you and your family adore this animal and have done and will continue to do your best to keep her and provide a secure ,loving home for her...
Best of luck to you and your family.....
thank you so much for your support and understanding
just an update, i have been walking her twice a day for the past few days and we are going to have it so she comes in at a specific time, for a specific time at night, when our family usually watches television after supper (the only time we really have to sit down)
that way she will feel more with the family
i am really enjoying the extra walks with her
instead of worrying what i have to do when i get her home (for example pick up perscriptions, grocery shop, go to work, etc.)
i just shut my brain off and let it work itself
its amazing what deep intellectual thoughts i have lurking
its a great time to get to know myself
and really think through any difficult decisions or situations

it will take a while
she has been alot less spastic
when i walk into the yard she's excited to see me but no longer looks like she is going to have a heart attack with exitement, crying and screaming
she is a very attention demanding dog because she is so deaply dedicated to us (especially me since i trained her)

so yeah she has calmed down alot and is not pounding on doors or gates
she is however being a bit whiney when we let her back out of the house
but thats expected until she gets use to her specific schedule
for now she's unsure what exactly is going on so she whines for 10 minutes each time we put her in the yard :X

i really hope she continues to improve

i have 4 days off in a row (then i work 8 days in a row :blink: ) so i am going to use this time to repair the fence and gate as best i can and hopefully clean up some of the damage
my dad only knows the half of it :crazy: :whistle:

i'll keep you all posted for her progress

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