We Have Fry!

I'm from NS,
man he's trying hard to take care of the fry and keep them in the nest but he's not realizing that over half of them are laying on the bottom. I don't want to believe that they are dead, because they were basically all in the nest this morning... I hope they get through somehow.
ok, take a deep breath...he could still realize they're there.
Same thing happened with mine, and i said to myself - that's just the way it is, me watching isn't gonna help and I went to bed. When i got up he had obviously realized they were down there and scooped em all up.
I only ended up with 15 from that batch but they're all big and healthy and i feel blessed that i got that many.
I hope everything works out well for you.
thanks fishykisses,

I hope that's the case but last time that happened too and they ended up dying. Hopefully this will work out.
They could still survive. I have had batches where they all did survive when Dad left on the bottom, and ones where half did. Either way, Do you use any salt or aquarisol in the spawn tank? This can help against fungus on eggs that are abandoned later in the development.
The same pair? No this is a different one but both the males that have been dads have done this.
fawn, no I haven't put any salt in I wasn't sure if it was good or not, is it okay to put some in still? Or will it hurt the fry?
With my last spawn I had more than a hundred at the bottom with a large number free swimming, so I figured I must have fed the late, and it was only the ones that hatched later which survived. Next morning I had what looks like 200-300 fry all looking fine.

Maybe sometimes, dad gets too tired to keep them all in the nest.
Yeah I have a few free swimming ones and a few that are still hanging up there. I gave them a little bit of microworms, but the ones that were horizontal were pretty much on top, it's going to be hard to feed them as right now I only have microworms, but I am hopefully getting bbs soon
Weeee we have some free swimming fry, although I only see like 15, I think there might just be a few more. A lot of them died though I think :( I don't know why that always happens, but aslong as these guys live.

By the way, my other spawn has eggies now, but not that many either :)

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