***Corydora Crazy***
I wonder how a Piranha tank owner will respond to this thread
I shouldn't laugh but................... It'll be 'armless enough though.....
I wonder how a Piranha tank owner will respond to this thread
Get the hose...as long as the filter is switched off and you've added enough dechlor for the whole tank before you start refilling you'll be fine.I HATE water changes as I can't just use a hose cos my filter media is part of the tank!
Get the hose! If it's painful for you, it doesn't matter how 'silly' it seems. My mate's BF reckons there's plenty of pressure in the mains to be able to fill an upstairs tank from a hose on a downstairs tapWhat I hate is lugging the buckets. I have a bad neck injury from a car accident, so it's quite literally a pain in the neck for me. It seems silly to look into getting a python type set up for a twenty gallon tank, but I've been thinking about it more and more.
The real problem is the tank upstairs- it's only 5 gallons, but carrying a bucket up and down...ugh. I've already spilled it down the stairs twice because my hands shake.