
Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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I recently purchased 4 gold WCMM, and I am going to be purchasing some of the regular ones as well. Will they school together, or not because of their colors being diffrent? The lfs had the golds on sale, and I will not be buying more fish from them for now, so I will be unable to get any more golds. I am hoping they will school, and I plan to get 6 of the regular white clouds.

also, how am I to tell which species of the white clouds that I have, as I have read that there are two types of them.

Thanks! :D

I also posted this in the Cold Water section, as I didnt know that they would be in the groups of fish listed.
The gold and the regular types generally don't differ that much in colour when they're kept in the same tank, they should shoal together IMO. I've kept a mixture and they did hang about togther a lot, but the "gold" ones I had were not much different from the "normal" kind.
No idea on your question about species. I thought there was only one with different variants of colour / finnage /etc....
I answered in the other one :p
The-Wolf said:
I answered in the other one :p
lol. I saw that one too. I had no idea minnows fit into these catergories, learning something new each day.

annka5_ there are two species, as one is suppoessedly extict in the wild, and now they have found a similar type in the wild, so they assume it is a new species. It was in the Tropical Fish Hobbbiest magazine a few months back.
Well, I learn something new every day... thanks for that!

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