
New Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Hi Everyone,

I just got 6 WCMM for my 12 gallon tank,

I used bio spira and bio safe for water.

My WCMM keep dying.

My water chem is

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10

Is it just shock to a new tank?

I thought wcmm were hardy..

please help :byebye:
WCMM's are hardy, could be shock if you arent treating them well, or it could be poor handaling at the lfs, I remember getting like 40 feeder goldfish at my lfs and putting them into a cycled 150 gallon pon and only having 3 survive a week. shop someplace better, also wcmm's wont be happy in less than 20 gallons.
What is the water temp in your tank? My white clouds tend to like it on the cooler side. I have them in a tank which runs at 76F -- but I think they may prefer it even cooler than that...
what is your pH?
if it is too low that could account for the deaths
The-Wolf said:
what is your pH?
if it is too low that could account for the deaths

my temp is 74 and my ph is 7.2
Did the fish display any symtoms or odd behavior before death? How long did you acclimatise them to the tank when you go them for and how long did they last on average after you got them?

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