Fish Fanatic
I've been into aquariums in on and off for a long time, but I've never actually bred any. Recently, I've become interested in breeding fish. In particular, I'd like to try to breed every type of fish I've ever owned. This is the list (for my book-keeping purposes, and if anyone is interested):
Livingston's Cichlid (Nimbochromis livinstonii)
Golden Mbuna (Melanochromis auratus)
Pepper Cory (Corydoras paleatus)
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
X-Ray Tetra (Pristella maxillaris)
Betta (Betta splendens)
Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
Aphyosemion sp. (don't remember exact)
Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna)
Checkered Barbs (Oliotius oligolepis)
Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)
Stiphodon sp. (don't remember exact)
Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus)
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
Monodactylus sebae
Banded Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix)
Obviously, this will take years, maybe decades, I may not have the dedication, and some of these fish may be impossible to breed in captivity (e.g. Archerfish?, Stiphodon?), but it seems like an interesting pursuit! I recently purchased "Aquarium Fish Breeding" by Jay F. Hemdal as a starting point. I'm also going to get the shell-dwellers Neolamprologus multifasciatus as a starting point (add that to the list too).
Besides actually breeding the fish and rearing the fry, I need to figure out a way to sell/give the fish away. People who have bred fish in the past, how should I do this? I do not want to ship the fish, and I'm not looking to make money off this endeavor. Should I form a relationship with the local fish stores? Does craigslist work well? Are there other options?
Livingston's Cichlid (Nimbochromis livinstonii)
Golden Mbuna (Melanochromis auratus)
Pepper Cory (Corydoras paleatus)
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
X-Ray Tetra (Pristella maxillaris)
Betta (Betta splendens)
Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
Aphyosemion sp. (don't remember exact)
Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna)
Checkered Barbs (Oliotius oligolepis)
Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)
Stiphodon sp. (don't remember exact)
Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus)
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
Monodactylus sebae
Banded Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix)
Obviously, this will take years, maybe decades, I may not have the dedication, and some of these fish may be impossible to breed in captivity (e.g. Archerfish?, Stiphodon?), but it seems like an interesting pursuit! I recently purchased "Aquarium Fish Breeding" by Jay F. Hemdal as a starting point. I'm also going to get the shell-dwellers Neolamprologus multifasciatus as a starting point (add that to the list too).
Besides actually breeding the fish and rearing the fry, I need to figure out a way to sell/give the fish away. People who have bred fish in the past, how should I do this? I do not want to ship the fish, and I'm not looking to make money off this endeavor. Should I form a relationship with the local fish stores? Does craigslist work well? Are there other options?