Look, I'm new to the site and don't want to cause trouble. But here's a few thoughts....
That's right, they are your fish, so do as you like. But if I were you, I wouldn't be surprised WHEN something bad happens.
And since you brought it up, this is how I think of it in the wild; You have X amount of males all in their own territories. Along comes a female and she doesn't want to mate with the first male she comes accross. So they may fight a bit but then she can swim away. Or maybe she does want to mate with him. They do their thing and go on with their lives. (I don't want to seem like I know spit about betta mating [spawning, whatever], but this is the way I pictured it when you brought it up
) Then again, maybe she's the one looking to spawn and he's not. He can chase her off and be done with it.
And let's say along comes a juvie looking for a territory of his own. I think the same would apply. They may fight a little, they may fight to the death. Or not fight at all and the juvie just gets chased off.
Bettas are very territorial creatures. I don't know how big a tank you have these in. But I do know that however big it is, it's only that big. And it is only just so far that they can chase each other before there is no where else to go but head to head.
Just my opinions here. And we all know how the saying goes.... It doesn't seem like anyone is going to change anyone elses opinions about this topic, so why bother argueing.
Anyway, good luck with it. I hope for the fish's sake they keep playing nice.