Wave Nano 45 (35L Tank) - New Starter!


New Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Hi everyone!

Me and my partner are VERY experienced tropical fish keepers, we have had tropical fish for years and had very little bad happen.
A saltwater aquarium was always the dream, but was far too expensive until very recently!
Sooooooo, needless to say we decided trade in as some of our tropical fish would need a bigger tank soon and we had no space for a bigger unit! :(
We sold our fish to a lovely couple with many tanks and knew a how to care for them.
Anyway, we have purchased a WAVE 45 Marine Aquarium 35 litres, plus many treatments for the water.
It came with a Niagara Skimmer 280 (Filter and Skimmer in one), 50W heater and Solaris dual light system (Blue and White bulbs in the one unit).
We got some marine gravel substrate (After having a nightmare with sand in the tropical aquarium!!), 2.7KG of LR and 50L of RO water mixed with marine salt at 35g per 1 litre of water.
Having a nightmare with keeping the temp at 25C with the Solaris light unit adding heat, so will be buying an Aquabeam 500 LED Mini Tile which emits no heat to the tank and costs less to keep on plus I can use just a blue moonlight setting on it for the evening before switching it off for the night.
I am getting my water tested by my LFS, last test he said there is nothing wrong with it.
I have lots of spare RO salt water so I am ready for a 50% water change if and when my nitrate/nitrite spike occurs, and also plan on a 2 weekly 10% water change despite having a skimmer on my filter (which after lots of playing with it have got working well! So far just getting bubbles dissolving into nothing and no decomposing water!)

I will be getting another test tomorrow (Wednesday 1st Feb) and will be ordering my LED Mini Tile today on express delivery so I will feel much better about the temperature then!

I will get some pictures going soon but photobucket is taking liberties! (It says it has been creating an account for last 10mins!!)
But so far I am getting very impatient (Coupled with excitement!) as I just want it all perfect and going well so I can add something living!

I apologize for my babbling, but I would just like to know what people think as I am inexperienced in salt water aquariums.
I know I have shortened the maturation time by using cured LR and RO water, but what is the ideal time frame?
Could I have a skunk cleaner in there with 1 or 2 pieces of coral by this weekend if everything goes well? (I know I am impatient!!)

Many thanks in advance guys!
I'm getting ready for work so sorry for the lack of detail. No coral yet!!!!! Wait!!
Yeah my own better judgement is telling me to wait!
I'm a sucker for a new project! On the whole I am normally very patient, but I often find myself looking into the tank, as beautiful as the crystal clear water and LR are, dreaming of what I want in there! (Ideally Skunk cleaner, scarlet hermit and 2 occlearis percula)
As far as coral goes, any suggestions for pretty, but easily maintained coral?

Thanks in advance!


Made a video quickly with my camera phone!
All is going well so far!
9g is pushing it for a pair of clowns. I personally wouldn't, but I've got a gramma in my pico which is an even bigger no no. That being said, I do very large water changes and it depends on the fish. I happened to have a very good gramma. Goby/shrimp pair is lovely for a tank that size and maybe another small fish. If you have a tight lid, then you have more options, but if you don't, I'd be really careful with what you add to the tank fishwise. A lot of marine fish are notorious jumpers.

As for coral, without knowing the wattage of the bulbs you've got, can't really say what you can add.

I currently have the WAVE Solaris 18w lighting unit, it has one UV/Blue prong and one white prong in the one lighting unit.
But I have ordered an Aquabeam 500 Mini LED Tile with white and blue lighting, and the white light can be turned off for moonlight, and all lights can be dimmed which will be 12w.
Yeah the guy at the LFS said a pair of Occelaris Percula would be fine, but I was thinking about jumpers, there isn't a huge gap, about 2-3 inches, shouldn't be too much of a problem but I will bear it in mind!
The plan from the off was a scarlet hermit, skunk cleaner shrimp and 2 Occelaris Percula Clowns, which I have read and been told grow to a max of 5.5 inches.
Coral for me is not of huge importance, but my partner want's some, I'm guessing I would be looking at 1 or 2 pieces of soft coral at best?
Obviously want to avoid anything that looks like an Anemone as the Clown(s) will defend it resolutely, possibly creating tank conflict!

I have tested the nitrate and it came out at 25 mg/l (PPM) when previously testing at 0
Ph was 8.3 original test, now 7.7
Salinity is at 1.025
Temp is reading different on my 2 different bits of equipment! 25 on my digital BETTA. 26 on my submersible thermometer, I am inclined to believe the thermometer more though!
I'm guessing a 25%-50% water change would be called for very soon?
IMO, a fish that gets to be about 5.5" is too big for a 9g tank. Aim for fish that maxes out at 3". 2-3" inches is a really large gap in the world of jumping Marine fish. Some species can jump through gaps, less than a quarter inch. Just saying...

I'd have to look at the LED fixture more, but I think you're ok with the standard soft corals.

pH of 7.7 is low. What is your substrate specifically? Is it aragonite? I don't trust Lfs too much, I highly recommend that you invest in your own set of tests.
Yeah I have been testing myself, PH back up to 8.0, nitrate down to 2 mg/l, phosphate at 0.3 mg/l and ammonia at 0
Done a 50% water change today so see how we go now.
Sorry my mistake I was meant to push 3 not 5 lol, they get to 3 inches not 5 inches!
I've seen the mini tile light units used by a trusted marine expert I know (But don't get to see very often! :( )
I'll let you know how it goes, but I am keeping my solaris light unit as back up just in case!
If I've learned anything in my 23 years in the hobby...

Always have a back up plan. :D

Good that you are keeping the lights, but you don't have to sell me on LED technology, I've seen a bunch of very successful systems that use LEDs. I'm still not sold on your keeping a pair of clowns in a tank that small, though.
Still waiting on my LED Light Unit! :(
Nitrate down to 2mg/l, ph at 8.2 last 2 days, ammonia 0 for the last 2 days, done 2 10% water changes (1 per day tested).
Perform another test tomorrow and see how everything is then, the tank has been cycling for a week now and doing well!
I am going to get a 25w heater as this 50w heater is on 21.5C and the temp reading is at 25c, so I think a 25w heater will be more effective.
Hopefully the water will be ready soon!
The substrate is like a marine crushed coral/gravel thingy (easier to clean!!)
After pre-mixing my salt water for the last week I have found a place that will provide me with Salt RO water mixed how I want it!
That will save me some mess and time! :)
Well so far I am having fun and learning lots as I go along, even before getting any stock!
I'm making myself find time to take care of it all, (Also spending my hard earned money!) but it's all worth it!
I thought it would be more difficult as I also have rabbits and a cat that need a lot of care, but I am enjoying it and it keeps me busy! :)
I'm even planning ahead, which I have never done before!! :p
Still waiting on my LED Light Unit! :(

Awwww, that stinks.

Nitrate down to 2mg/l, ph at 8.2 last 2 days, ammonia 0 for the last 2 days, done 2 10% water changes (1 per day tested).
Perform another test tomorrow and see how everything is then, the tank has been cycling for a week now and doing well!

Good signs. Are you getting any algae growth yet? Diatoms are a good first sign.

I am going to get a 25w heater as this 50w heater is on 21.5C and the temp reading is at 25c, so I think a 25w heater will be more effective.

Your current lighting gives off some heat, especially in a tank your size. Once you upgrade to the LEDs, the heat will be less.

Hopefully the water will be ready soon!
The substrate is like a marine crushed coral/gravel thingy (easier to clean!!)
After pre-mixing my salt water for the last week I have found a place that will provide me with Salt RO water mixed how I want it!
That will save me some mess and time! :)

Yeah, it may save mess and time, but you lose control. I love being able to alter the parameters of my water. I also keep multiple systems so it's easier for me to just make my own water.

Well so far I am having fun and learning lots as I go along, even before getting any stock!

That's the point of the hobby, to have fun! :D

I'm making myself find time to take care of it all, (Also spending my hard earned money!) but it's all worth it!
I thought it would be more difficult as I also have rabbits and a cat that need a lot of care, but I am enjoying it and it keeps me busy! :)
I'm even planning ahead, which I have never done before!! :p

Haha, Marine systems definitely require discipline! But they are very rewarding too.

nope. So you want an Ocellaris and Percula cross? They are both different species. Most places say they max out at 3" or so but this female is 5". Please don't put a pair in there. There isn't enough room.


Also notice how big that coral is. That isn't a small scroll! Gives you an idea of just how big the clowns can get!

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