

Jul 13, 2005
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My neighbour visits a lady each week who has pure spring water tapped ph 7 and no chlorine ammonia etc.Isend out empty 5 litre bottles which she fills for me
I leave these for a day and then do my water changes
I dont heat it up to the same level as the tanks(4 of them)
Will the short term drop in temperature do them any harm in the long run?
Ive always figured that the water is of such better quality than the stuff coming out of my tap ph8+ chlorinated that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages ?
ps all 4 tanks are community tanks danio/tetra/swordtail/gourami/corys & loaches
Maybe could you float the bottles like the new fish in bags to match temp? A huge drop, or if you pour it directly onto the fish by accident, or too fast, could cause problems. If its too cold, maybe run it under the tap until it warms up, or if its too warm, maybe run under cool water? I think that its not a huge deal, but it can hurt them, you just never know. Every person who does manual water changes cant match the temp spot-on, but too much difference causes stress, and illness may follow.
It really depends on the percentage of water you're changing, the temperature of the tanks and the temperature of the water you're adding. If you're only doing a 10 to 15 percent change and the water your adding is within 2 or 3 degrees of the tank temp, then you should be fine as you will only change the tank temp less than a degree. If the difference is 6 to 8 degrees and your doing 25 to 30 percent changes, then it could be stressful on the fish. In that case, you could float the bottles as Squishiebabe suggested or you could create a drip syphon to add the water slowly and ease the temp up or down (which ever the case may be) slowly.

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