Yes, completely agree with all your discussion there about flow rate as pertaining the various important aspects of filter design. All those things should be excellent information for the OP to help him understand the differences between flow rate choices and media volume choices.
But, even though its off-topic, I was still hoping you'd comment about planted tank approaches. Was wondering if you had any opinion about Walstad's book and/or those "slower flow, soil substrate, fewer water changes" approaches vs. the higher-tech (high light, EI, high flow) approaches in tanks with lots of plants. Now that I've read more about these Walstad type ideas, its very interesting that there seem to be overlaps with some of the old 50's 60's behaviours of tanks that were left to age more. Its interesting to me that although we now know pretty much all the aspects of why the water/fish aspects of this were quite bad in the long run, there may have been aspects of this that were quite good for plants. -wd-