Water Testing Question

Andy, the fact that you do have the ability to do a liquid reagent test means that you should respect and respond to its results. The idea that someone using test strips would not know they were in trouble doesn't really enter into your decisions, IMO. If you are aware of conditions that are far from ideal for your fish, you should take action regardless of the inability of other people to detect a similar problem. I hope this makes sense to you.
yep aware of the stocking issues, at present im looking at taking the lemon and harlequin tetras out and the cherry barbs out (possibly back to the lfs, possibly to a friend) and adding a couple more corys and rummy nose tetras. Dont think it would be a wise idea to add a load more of each to the tank, possibly be over stocked then ???

I would prefer (and recommend) to see your stocking at something along the lines of:
* 1 Betta splendens (questionable compatibility with ram, depends on individual fish)
* 10 Corydoras of one species
* 15 rummy nose tetra of one species (there are three species known under this common name, here is a good explanation: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+1911+1955&aid=2546)
* 1 pleco (up to 4" when adult, needs bogwood and possibly caves)
* 1m 1f blue ram (any colour morph)

…because even that is higher stocking than I am likely to have in a tank that size, but not what I'd call overstocked, and I do not think it is nice to keep any schooling species in groups of under 10, while I consider it very important to have larger-than-I-usually-recommend groups for rummy noses (I have 25, and even with that many, it sometimes looks like too few, but in a smaller tank fewer should work better than in a larger tank).

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