Water Test Results, What Do Some Mean?

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Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2012
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Hi guys,

My new 350l tank has been running for about 2 weeks and my fish have adjusted quite well which im happy and tankful for! Since then I've done 2 water tests and here are the results.

PH - 7.0/7.2 (was slightly hard to tell)
Amonia - 0.25
Nitrite - 0
Nirate - 0
GH - 3 drops - 53.7ppm
KH - 6 drops - 107.4ppm

PH - 7.6
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
GH - 3 drops - 53.7ppm
KH - 8 drops - 143.2ppm

I'm concerned with the raised PH with today's water test and the raise of the KH. What is the best way to lower the PH levels (is the API PH DOWN any good???) and what is the deal with GH and KH? In my previous tank before i upgraded, my PH was always around 7.0 and 7.2 and only once or twice did it go to 7.6.

Any advice would be great, as its a 350l I'm not 100% sure the best thing to do is. Thanks!
Depends on what fish you are keeping/plan to keep! Its definately best not to mess with the ph/kh if you can help it because adding the chemicals and such like can creat big swings in the levels which is more dangerous than anything.

Tapwater for me is pretty much liquid rock, the ph varies between 8.5 and 8.9 :crazy: and yet keep everything from neons and cardinals to livebearers and goldfish and so on.

The only things seeming to be less tolerant is some of the L number plecs and species like chocolate or licorice gouramis that want a ph of about 5 or 6.
Depends on what fish you are keeping/plan to keep! Its definately best not to mess with the ph/kh if you can help it because adding the chemicals and such like can creat big swings in the levels which is more dangerous than anything.

Tapwater for me is pretty much liquid rock, the ph varies between 8.5 and 8.9 :crazy: and yet keep everything from neons and cardinals to livebearers and goldfish and so on.

The only things seeming to be less tolerant is some of the L number plecs and species like chocolate or licorice gouramis that want a ph of about 5 or 6.

Hmm, well im keeping a community at the moment, neons, bristlenose, ghost knife, ram, glass cat and yoyo loach - my question is though my ph has always been around 7 and 7.2, but just jumped to 7.6, could this be because of uneaten food/waste? Doing the 25% water change and cleaning the bottom of the tank should bring it back down to its normal levels?
A water change might bring levels back down if your tap water or RO is lower...

But no, waste wont make levels rise. Have you added or taken out any rocks or bogwood recently?
What sort of decorations do you have? A gravel substrate can bring up the pH of the water as there can be crushed coral in it. Also any Limestone decorations can bring the pH up. (Limestone can also be present in substrate)
Don't bother using chemicals, they're not good for the fish - as they cause swings.
Bog wood lowers the pH somewhat, so if you have removed any recently that could raise the pH.
pH and kH are related, in order to lower the pH successfully you need to lower the kH, you can do this by diluting your water with RO water or rain water, which is soft water. But your pH is only 7.6, which is well within the range most fish like. My pH is 8.2 from the tap :/ (The joy of living on a well)
I'm in the process of diluting my tap water myself, with those large jugs of water one can get from the grocery store.
Have you added or removed anything from your old tank to this one?
I ask as my other half bought some little silicone coral look-a-like things from P@H but unknown to us they increased the PH to over 1.0 which i thought was quite substantial so you never know!!
I personally wouldnt use chemicals to lower PH as a constant PH is far more important than 'chasing' an actual PH figure as most fish are adaptable (fish depending of course!!).
As stated i would add bogwood (well soaked so doesnt leech tannins though fish quite like it, it turns your water brown!! Yuk) or if you have an external filter or two which i assume you have for that size tank just add some peat moss tied up in a bag or stocking to your external as this will lower the PH. peatmoss will need changing probly every few weeks so lots of testing initially. As you notice your PH starting to increase change the peatmoss.
As also stated, if you have changed substrate this can effect PH too.
Have you tested your tap water? If i remember correctly, the water board can add chemicals within reason without notice which can also effect your PH so maybe worth a test!! .
Sorry for the essay and hope this helps!!
A water change might bring levels back down if your tap water or RO is lower...

But no, waste wont make levels rise. Have you added or taken out any rocks or bogwood recently?

Hmm, nope I haven't taken anything out or added anything new either! :blink:
What sort of decorations do you have? A gravel substrate can bring up the pH of the water as there can be crushed coral in it. Also any Limestone decorations can bring the pH up. (Limestone can also be present in substrate)
Don't bother using chemicals, they're not good for the fish - as they cause swings.
Bog wood lowers the pH somewhat, so if you have removed any recently that could raise the pH.
pH and kH are related, in order to lower the pH successfully you need to lower the kH, you can do this by diluting your water with RO water or rain water, which is soft water. But your pH is only 7.6, which is well within the range most fish like. My pH is 8.2 from the tap :/ (The joy of living on a well)
I'm in the process of diluting my tap water myself, with those large jugs of water one can get from the grocery store.

Thanks for the tip about the chemicals :) and nope my substrate is sand, no gravel. I havent removed or added any bogwood or anything for that matter, bit confusing. Hmm, so you don't think I should be worried that for the last year it has been sitting at around 7, 7.2 and now its jumped to 7.6? If i add more bogwood will this lower the pH and kH?
Have you added or removed anything from your old tank to this one?
I ask as my other half bought some little silicone coral look-a-like things from P@H but unknown to us they increased the PH to over 1.0 which i thought was quite substantial so you never know!!
I personally wouldnt use chemicals to lower PH as a constant PH is far more important than 'chasing' an actual PH figure as most fish are adaptable (fish depending of course!!).
As stated i would add bogwood (well soaked so doesnt leech tannins though fish quite like it, it turns your water brown!! Yuk) or if you have an external filter or two which i assume you have for that size tank just add some peat moss tied up in a bag or stocking to your external as this will lower the PH. peatmoss will need changing probly every few weeks so lots of testing initially. As you notice your PH starting to increase change the peatmoss.
As also stated, if you have changed substrate this can effect PH too.
Have you tested your tap water? If i remember correctly, the water board can add chemicals within reason without notice which can also effect your PH so maybe worth a test!! .
Sorry for the essay and hope this helps!!

From my old tank I added in my old plants, driftwood and filter media, I changed my substrate from gravel to sand in my new tank. Hmm I won't use the chemicals as a few people including yourself have said its pretty much useless. The fish I am keeping are listed below in my signature, they seem to be okay but I was just worried as it was a steady 7, 7.2 in my old tank and now to 7.6 :\

so if I add more bogwood this will lower the pH and kH? I haven't tested my tap water, do I just do a pH and kH tap water test and see where it's naturally at? Once I get those results what can I do with them?
I've just done another water test today.

PH - 7.2
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nirate - 0
GH - 8 drops - 143.2ppm
KH - 2 drops - 35.8ppm

I tested our tap water, it was a pH of 7.4. Also, I think I got the GH and KH mixed up when writing it above in the original thread... oops :crazy:

A bit strange, the pH has lowered itself to 7.2 without me doing anything to water, what the??? Any advice on my previous question I posted before? Thanks.
I use sachem (don't know if that's spelt right haha) ph 7.0 and also sachem ph down to bring my ph to about 6 - 6.5. I do it with every water change and then test the ph later on in the day to make sure its right. I only do that as most of my fish prefer lower oh water. I don't seem to have any issues with any of the chemicals, just make sure its all dosolved in the water before you put it in.

Also the water round my area is about 8.2 ph so that's why I use it. And ice had the same thing happen but my ph goes up if I don't do anything. Have no idea why though :/

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