Water Temperature


New Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Hey guys,

I was wondering if having the heater on too high is bad for the fish. I have one betta in a 5 gallon tank. The water normally is at 81 but recently I put the tank in a less ventilated space and the water rises during the day to 86...so I put the heater on higher so that the temp doesn't drop too much. So now it stays around 84-86. It's been about a month and the fish looks good. It's weird because at night, with all lights off he is "sleeping" right next to the heater. Does my fish like to tan!?! You guys think everyhting is ok? Or will it effect the fish over time? Thanks
well personally i think it would be a bit too warm for hte fish. I like to keep my temperature at around 80-82, but never more. If your room/water is always so warm, you could just take out the heater :)
Agreed! It really depends on what type of fish you have, some prefer a cooler temp than what you currently have. Do some Internet research, and then perhaps unplug the heater if you think its too hot for the fish/es.
if the temp is higher the fish will grow alot faster, but also will die alot faster, they also become alot more hungry.
I can't remove the heater because then I get huge fluxuations in the temp. It can go from 78 in the morning/night and to 86 in the day. So I turn the heater to 84ish so it doesn't go up or down too much. I might just move him again. However he seems ok in there and spends lots of time on the heater side
Beta316 said:
I can't remove the heater because then I get huge fluxuations in the temp. It can go from 78 in the morning/night and to 86 in the day.
I have the exact same problem. I'm going to try putting my heater back in today...I'll just have to see if I can get it to stay at one tempature like you've been able to do with your heater. -_-

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