Water purifier question


New Member
May 10, 2004
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Just an opinion really.

I've been using Tetra Aquasafe when i do my water changes. It's been working ok as far as i know, my discus don't complain about it, and are all healthy and eating well. They approach the glass when i come into the room and seem very happy.

I recently went down to my LFS, and after a conversation with the head guy there, who also happens to be a discus breeder, he told me not to bother with Aquasafe as it's no good. He gave me a bottle of Nutrafin Aqua Plus. Yes thats right he gave it to me. Usually i would be suspicous if he'd try to sell it to me, as i know different stockists use different products, and are therefore biased in there opinions.

Does anyone use Nutrfin Aqua Plus??? Also, could someone give me the correct dosage for 10 uk litres of water. I find it awfully dificult to guage dosages when the suppliers talk in gallons. 2 capfulls for 35 gallons does'nt seem an awfull lot when your down to 10 litres.


I've been using the aqua plus for a year and half with no problems. I worked out that roughly just under half a cap full per bucket (about 9l) was right. If the Aquasafe removes chlorine,chlorimine (sorry can't spell!!), heavy metals etc.. i can't see it making any difference. But i'm no discus expert so you never know.
Thanks Andy, bout half a capfull then.

My local guy reccons Aquasafe is utter rubish. Can't say i've had that problem myself, but hey, he's the breeder, and the quality of his fish cannot be knocked.

I've used the Aqua Plus in one of my tanks so far, and i found that using the stated dosage on the bottle, i get a cloudy tank. Have you ever found this??
since setting up my tank I have used aqua plus and have not had any problems with a cloudy tank. I too had trouble working out the dosage but use about a 3rd of a cap in a bucket like andym said

BE WARNED! I bought a bigger bottle last time as it was better value, but bigger bottle = bigger lid! rather than try to do the maths all over again I just kept the old, smaller lid. had me scratching my head for a bit tho :/

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