Water Parameter Confusion


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
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Can anyone explain water hardness to me - I get what its measuring (I think) but my GH is more than 21 so thats way high, but my KH is 3 which is loo low - the 'fixes' given in the leaflet contradict each other.... well they probably don't, but to me they do :rolleyes:

My PH is 8.2, nitrate 10, nitrite 0 (I've introduced some macro algae to try to help with the nitrate)

I can't find very much info on GH & KH and so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to deal with it - can anyone help?


Current stocking 6 assorted snails/ 2 fire shrimp/ 2 clarks anemonefish/ Xenia/few polyps & a sponge - feeding brine shrimp - 50gal
GH is a pointless measure in a saltwater tank. GH is a measure of all the solutes in the water almoast like TDS, albeit less accurate than TDS. Measuring saltwater like this is pointles.

A kH of 3 huh? 3 what? dKH? meq/L? What unit of measure are you using?
Hi Ski

The KH is 3 degrees with a small 'd' - I presume that's the first one you said lol! I really havn't got a clue, have I? - pity the poor creatures that got lumbered with me as their caretaker :lol:

Glad to hear the GH is irrelevant - thats one confusion gone :S

So its just the KH I need to worry about....... good..... just as long as I've got something to panic over otherwise it just wouldn't feel right :rolleyes:

What should I do?
Well, having a pH of 8.2 and an alkalinity of 3dKH is impossible (the two are moderately related)... Are you sure you're performing the alkalinity test kit properly? Moreover, which alk test kit are you using?
performing it properly? dunno.... stuck the stick in, shook, waited a minute, compared to the chart. After a couple of minutes some of the colours had changed further, particularly the ammonia and KH, but the instructions said a minute so I went with that colour. :blush:

The kit is called AquaTest by eSHa, the ammonia strips by API. The KH goes up to 15d after a couple of minutes, which I'm now assuming is more in keeping with the PH. I am however even more scared because if the readings can be more accurate after a couple of minutes then that means my ammonia is still about 4.0, which is bad. Can't understand why its so high, I've only got two fish!!! :crazy:

Feeling very sorry for myself :sad:

Thanks for your help though Ski throughout this whole tank set-up drama - much appreciated
Anytime. Unfortunately you're learnin why strips aren't that accurate :shifty:. If you're really concerned about alkalinity, consider purchasing a salifert or seachem test kit. but TBH, alkalinity isn't really something to worry about until you start onsidering hard corals.

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