Water Not Clearing

Feb 13, 2004
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I'm having trouble getting my water to clear in a tank I'm just setting up. It's only got sand and water in at the moment, and I think some of the particulate stuff that's been kicked off from the sand is too fine to be trapped by the filter floss I've got on the overflow. Any ideas on material I can use to filter it out?
I recently set my tank up about three months ago and experienced the same thing. What your seeing is fine particles from the sand which when dry would be a dust. This will settle out in a couple of days to a week. Do you have a protein skimmer? I noticed that my protein skimmer was removing a lot of it. Anyhow, it will go away, give a little time.
Yes I do have a skimmer, though haven't got it on yet as I haven't put the salt in yet. Thanks for the replies, will just wait and hope it clears then.

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