Water Level


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2010
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i have a jbj dd 24g nano cube ive heard that when using the little plastic surface skimmer water tends to evaporate more in the back chambers. iam just wondering wat people are using to mark the water level in the back chambers so that they no how much fresh ro water to put in in top ups. i was thinking masking tape but dont want any thing bto polute the water has any one any tried and tested mettods
Surely you can just eye it? But if your that worried you etch a little mark into the back chambers to make sure the water level is right.
Yeah you can probably just judge it by eye, doesn't have to be exact as long as its close. Failing that just get a knife and as above etch a line in it (assuming the back compartments are plastic).
The only level I check on mine is the one in the front of the tank. I never check water levels in the back chamber. SH

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