Water Frogs?


Jan 2, 2012
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I am aware this is a fish forum, But out of curiosity, has anyone kept water frogs? Either with their fish or separate.
semi aquatic or fully aquatic? (iv not kept them but want to know more about them.iv looked into keeping semi aquatic)
by water frogs do you mean african dwarf frogs?
if so yes i have some in my community tank, theres a few people on here that have frogs.

by water frogs do you mean african dwarf frogs?
if so yes i have some in my community tank, theres a few people on here that have frogs.

Yes those! :) I was just wondering on how well they get along with fish in general, if there are any fish they shouldn't be with, if i need to have a mesh material to keep them from getting out of the tank.
Not just a fish forum! http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/forum/30-invertebrates-amphibians-aquatic-reptiles-forum/
do be aware when they are in breeding season anything that move will be mounted so slow fish arnt to good kept with them but for some reason bettas have an exception idkw i keep these guys for nearly over a year now :)
What about my sword tails? They're not slow moving at all...
be sure you're getting african dwarf frogs NOT african clawed frogs!
Ill be sure to observe them and make sure :) do they like specific plants?
I had an african clawed frog, he ate all my fish. Haha, fascinating creature though :D Mine just liked ornaments to hide in :)
Will the fish eat the blood worms? its it okay if they do? Will I have to alter the water temp? mines at 78 degrees currently
yeah that's fine, fish like blood worms as long as they get other food not just that. I'm not sure, mine was pretty hardy and didnt mind temperature changes

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