Addicted and in Therapy
My water conditioner is "Bio-Safe" and I've noticed in the past few weeks that it smells terrible. I hate to even add it to my water because it smells so bad (and I haven't recently). Anyways, I am almost positive it didn't smell this bad, or even at all, when I bought it. So should I dump it and get something else? I really hate to do that since there is so much left and it wasn't super cheap. But I don't want to be making my tank stink, much less be adding something that's not good for it. I just wonder since this has changed and I don't know if it's normal. Anyone else have this problem, or maybe it's just normal? 
Also - sorry everyone for the recent influx of posts, I seem to have "dry spells" where I have absolutely nothing to talk about, and then I come up with random odd questions that I'm dying to know the answer to.
) Thanks to everyone for putting up with me!!
Also - sorry everyone for the recent influx of posts, I seem to have "dry spells" where I have absolutely nothing to talk about, and then I come up with random odd questions that I'm dying to know the answer to.