Water Conditioner


New Member
Jun 20, 2009
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When doing water changes do you have to use a water conditioner if you let the tap water age for a few days? I just had a 'discussion' with a friend of mine who is of the opinion if you don't use water conditioner the fish will die no matter how long the water has been aged. I am inclined to disagree. Does anyone have any imput?
I've never heard of allowing Tap water to 'age' in order to make it safe for Bettas. I'm not quite sure how ageing tapwater would remove chlorine and chloramines and all the other nasties that need to be removed to make the water Betta-Safe. I would be of the opinion that it's better to be safe than sorry, unless you have indisputable proof that ageing tapwater makes it Betta-safe. Otherwise you'll be risking Betta illness and betta death.
I've never heard of allowing Tap water to 'age' in order to make it safe for Bettas. I'm not quite sure how ageing tapwater would remove chlorine and chloramines and all the other nasties that need to be removed to make the water Betta-Safe. I would be of the opinion that it's better to be safe than sorry, unless you have indisputable proof that ageing tapwater makes it Betta-safe. Otherwise you'll be risking Betta illness and betta death.

Many people I've talked to sware by aged water. There are a few private petstore owners that have told me that they don't use any kind of conditioners just aged water. Has anyone had a fish die from putting it in tapwater? or any health issues for that matter?
As with many things, it may depend on water quality. If water where you are is very good and clean it might be possible, although I would definitely get more opinions on the matter. However, I live in the land of water not fit for human consumption, so I would never use un-conditioned water for my bettas.
The whole aged water thing is to allow the cholrine to evaporate out of the water, as it is the chlorine that is the most dangerous to your fish. My recommendation would be to use dechlorinator as everyones water is different and have read that aged water will not get rid of chloramines which dechlorinator does.

I had an online friend from another forum that topped up with aged water but admitted he would never actually do water changes this way.
I'm with lilacamy931, better safe than sorry, especially as various Water Boards are apt to add different things at different times.
But only water treatments that state on the label they can handle not only chlorine but chloramine are sure to - not all dechlors do...
As with many things, it may depend on water quality. If water where you are is very good and clean it might be possible, although I would definitely get more opinions on the matter. However, I live in the land of water not fit for human consumption, so I would never use un-conditioned water for my bettas.

Sorry to interupt guys but PHISHY we have MATCHING BETTAS! I have the UK brother to yours......They are almost identical!!!!!

My little monster is called YOSHIMOTO or "YOSHI" for short!
My mate has never used water conditioner in his tank for over 5 year now and never lost a fish.
Again it depends on your water and what you are willing to risk if it does go wrong. There is a site somewhere you can Google that tells you your areas water params might be worth a look.

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