Did you do anything to cycle your filter, by which I mean adding a source of ammonia in order to grow a colony of bacteria in the filter, which in turn remove nasties from the water?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then no you didn't, and you are now going through what we call a 'fish-in cycle' (as opposed to a fishless cycle done before adding fish, by using pure ammonia).
This could explain the cloudiness you are seeing, called a bacterial bloom.
Even though it had been running six weeks, your filter may still not be able to cope with the level of ammonia your fish are producing. The bacteria in the filter convert the ammonia into nitrite, which is also bad for fish, but then they turn the nitrite into nitrate, which isn't too bad, and you remove that when you do water changes. The problem is, any exposure to ammonia and nitrite is really,really bad news for your fish and it can do damage you can't even see.
So, a few questions to answer please:
1. How many fish do you have, what are they? The fact you say you have a plec in a 40 litre is a bit of a worry.
2. Do you have a water test kit? If not I recommend the API Freshwater Master Kit, available on eBay for around £20, an absolutely essential bit of kit for any fish keeper.
3. How often do you change any water, how much do you change?
4. Do you ever clean the filter sponges? Because you shouldn't! Very rarely, anyway.
5. Do you ever clean the gravel?
There is a link in my signature saying Beginners Click Here - it will take you to the newbie section and has lots of information on fish in cycling, which I urge you to read.