Water changing


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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i am worried about doing my first water change on my new tank, because i have no idea what to do
i know i should do 20 percent (2 gallons), but after i take the water out, do i just pour tap water in, then condition it?
Put the amount of water you need in a bowl/bucket, then condition it and put it in the tank. It is safer to condition first because tap water can vary in composition from day to day and you never know. :)
I agree, condition the water first then add it. Try to put it in slowly though so as not to disturb everything and stress ur fish out more.
Is the water heated before adding to the tank?

Do the fish remain in the tank, even if doing larger replacements?
i was told that water from the tap used for the tank should be cold, because heated water has more chemicals/ germs in it. I was only gonna do a 20 % water change, so i think i can keep the fish in the tank
I always use lukewarm water when I do mine and have never had any problems.

I've only ever done 1/4 water changes and yes I kept the fish in the tank. Why would you be doing bigger changes?
You should get a test kit and test your tap water first, before adding it to your aquarium.
The best way, as already said, is to condition the water first. It would be like getting into a muddy bath, and then breaking out the soap otherwise :)

If you have a small tank then adding colder water could bring down the temperature of your whole tank, which can't be right. Use your finger (yep, scientific!) to test the temp's of both and if your tapwater is very cold in comparison then add some hot, but not too much :) Add conditioner, stir, leave a few seconds then pour slowly into the tank.

Good luck, you'll be fine :)

Oh and 20% is actually quite a fair change of water :) You may want to try 10-15% on a weekly basis or so.

Have fun :thumbs:
I condition my water first, I also leave it standing for a few hours so that the water temperature will reach room temp (my flat is always warm :) ). I find patience is rewarding. Ive haven't had any tank deaths yet, erm, other that the ones caused by my lobsters/crayfish. :D
when i do my water changes i get four buckets and fill two of them up to 8 litres with warm water and condition the water. then i siphon about 16 litres out of my tank and put the conditioned water in the tank slowly. obviously you wont have to have that many buckets and stuff but it is alot better to condition the water before you put it in the tank. good luck!
I use a babies bath :) I sit it on top of the tank, and then fill it up with water of about the right temperature. I then condition, and let it out. The bath only has a small drain, so the water takes 10 mins to drain in. I then repeat this process about 4 times. I'm doing a water change now :)
I use the 5 litre bottles of water you can buy in supermarkets once I have drunk the contents

I set up to change the water every saturday by filling one bottle from the tap on Friday evening (I fill it using cold water from the shower I heard once the bubbles from fast flowing water helps dechlorinate and you can smell chlorine when i do it) and leave it to stand and warm overnight.

Saturday morning I carry this bottle downstairs to where the fish tank is and add the dechlorinater, I put another 5 litre bottle on the floor and start the syphon out and vacuum the bottom of the tank til the bottle is full, pop the lid on then start a syphon from the pre prepared bottle of clean water that i have up on the window sill to syphon down to the tank

Just need to be careful to always use the same one for dirty water, then i throw the dirty water on my house plants :D

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