water changing question

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Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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So, I'm changing out my bettas water every 3-4 days, 100% water changes. Do you think it advisable to go through the whole acclimation process again, by putting them in cups and adding new water, etc etc, at that water change rate? I've been doing it in the past, but one time I plopped him right into the new water (minor emergency situation, declorinated, room temp water), and while he was shocky at first, he was fine. Mostly, I think, he was just in a twitch because I had to rescue him from a bad situation and put him into a slightly less bad situation (bettas don't care for shag carpeting).

Sooo, silly question, I know. I was just wondering what you all would advise.

Normally, I acclimate for an hour and put him in the new 1.25G bowl.

This is temporary, one boy will go into a 2.5G here after I sterilze it, and the other boy will either stay in the bowl, or learn to tolerate ADFs very quickly....
My boy Jeremiah is in a 1.5g tank, and whenever I do water changes I re-acclimate him. :)

I don't do it as thoroughly as you should do with new bettas, but I float him for 10 mins, then add a bit of water from the tank every 7 mins for 20 mins.

Works for me! :thumbs:
Glad someone else does it. I've read many a betta FAQ, and most of them just say "water changes" and talk about percentages, but none of them actually say if you ought to reacclimate.

Closest I ever got, was one site said you ought to reacclimate each time there's a great change in water chemistry -- like adding salt to water, or removing from an Indian Almond Leave environment back to a 'regular' water environment.
I believe bettas would be fine without it, but it makes me feel better knowing that I'm not stressing them.

Plus, the pH where I live goes up and down like a yoyo, and even though I use pH regulating liquid, I still acclimate the bettas so they are more comfortable.
I don't re-acclimate. With 16 bettas in bowls, re-acclimating them would take all day! :S
I just get the water temp as close as humanly possible and dump them back in when it's all clean. None of them ever seem the slightest bit disturbed by the process, and usually just start looking around wondering where their bubble nests have gone *lol*

Edit: I forgot to mention that the quality of my tap water is fairly constant, though, so re-acclimation may no be such a bad idea for those of you whose water pH changes a lot or something like that.
I don't re-acclimate mine that often. I just get the water to be the same temp it was before and plop him in there. The first few times it would shock him a little...I think he was just wondering where he was but after a while he got use to it. Plus, I put stresscoat and blackwater extract in his water which helps with stress.
I have never reacclimated mine either. But like Snyirr, my water quality is pretty constant. If I had swings in PH I would do it. Just to be on the safe side.

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