Water Changing In 1 Gallon Tanks

I've kept the cups all of my bettas came in, because I like to properly acclimate them instead of dumping them back into the tank when there could have been a change in temperature, pH, etc. Whenever I clean, I pour out most of the water, shake up anything in the gravel, and dump out the rest with anything I stirred up. Sometimes I rinse the gravel; my tanks are not cycled and I clean often, so I'm more concerned about getting the poop out of the rocks than I am with keeping beneficial bacteria. Then I refill the tanks, make sure the temp is stable, and float the boys. I float for 10 min, let in some of the new water, and let loose into the water after another ten. Since I started doing this, I noticed a definate decrease in stress/illness. I think part of the reason some of my first bettas got sick is that I always just plopped them back in immediately after cleaning.

edit: I should mention that these are 5g tanks, not 1g. I kindof didn't notice that part.
You know, most people don't even thing to mention that. ^ Including me!! I do that too, but it didn't even cross my mind to say anything about it. But it definately should be said!! :good:
i personally don't acclimate them as the water i use is aged and declorinated and at the same room temp as the room they're kept in. i only acclimate new guys or girls i get when i first introduce them. i try to eliminate any chance of stress i can and my bettas HATE those littles cups. since i rescued them from the dreaded cups and put them into nice 1 gal containers they get instant stressed once they realize they are in the cup again. it like brings back horrible memories for them.

edit: please note, i still use the cups and because of the stress i make the change as quick as humanly possible.
Well, thank all of you for your very helpful info. I'd feel bad scooping them back into their little cups, but I do have some rather large soup bowls that will work well next time I go to change my water. I Think Cyanide I might be able to scoop up by Hand, but Arsenic is way to nervous... I'll have to either get a betta scoop or try using a cup. Yes, you can tell my mind was slightly depressed when naming them. XD But it suites. Arsenic is this really dark red (Black?) With Steel overlay... I'm gonna tryu and borrow the camera again in a few days to get more pics. Cyanide looks red with white almost butterfly type pattern on his tail, but when the light shines directly on him, his red gets more of a Teal/turquoise look to it, shimmery looking. ^_^
Barebottom tanks, lots of spares so on fish cleaning night we set up the clean tanks with water, turn the heaters on, go do something else like clean the big tanks, come back in an hour or so after the 1gal water has warmed up, net out the bettas and put in clean tank, swish their floating plants in a tub of clean water to rinse them off then put into the clean tank with the fish, put on lid, finished. (Ok, take the dirty tank and pour the water on any houseplants still living, refill the daphnia tanks and shrimp tanks, pour any gunk down the toilet, sterilize the dirty tanks for use on next fish cleaning night.) Whatever method you use, if you put your bettas in small cups or containers, put something ontop to cover the container--LOTS of people find their fish have jumped out of the small containers (someone once stepped on his fish who had jumped out onto the floor).

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