I have a 20 gallon tank, that I seem to be learning by trial and error on. (My first error was letting Petsmart sell me a 1 gallon tank and 4 fish to go in it!) They all died except the Bala shark. Which, now that I have learned more, I'm surpized that even he lived. But anyway the 20 gallon tank is about 5 weeks old and now has 1 bala shark, 3 giant danios, and albino catfish and a goruami. I think this is probably an odd mix but they seem to be doing okay. Anyway I have not done any water changes yet and in fact I need to add some water. I was wondering how to best do water changes. The acquarium is in my son's room. I bought one of those things that attached to the faucet with a 25 foot length. I was wondering if I need a certain type of material for the bucket (plastic, metal) etc or if it matters. I have been testing the water and the nitrites were a bit high, so I bought some bacteria at the fish store and everything seems to be okay for now.
Thanks for your help.
I have a 20 gallon tank, that I seem to be learning by trial and error on. (My first error was letting Petsmart sell me a 1 gallon tank and 4 fish to go in it!) They all died except the Bala shark. Which, now that I have learned more, I'm surpized that even he lived. But anyway the 20 gallon tank is about 5 weeks old and now has 1 bala shark, 3 giant danios, and albino catfish and a goruami. I think this is probably an odd mix but they seem to be doing okay. Anyway I have not done any water changes yet and in fact I need to add some water. I was wondering how to best do water changes. The acquarium is in my son's room. I bought one of those things that attached to the faucet with a 25 foot length. I was wondering if I need a certain type of material for the bucket (plastic, metal) etc or if it matters. I have been testing the water and the nitrites were a bit high, so I bought some bacteria at the fish store and everything seems to be okay for now.
Thanks for your help.