water changes

Look, you can.

You let your thumb cover the end you are not inserting to the water, lower it in and remove your thumb.
Hi stewartsthebest :D

You might try removing part of the water with a turkey baster. Or, depending on the size of the top of your bowl, perhaps you can dip it out with a soup ladle.

The water you add to replace it should have a dechlorinator added according to instructions on the bottle. If you get Wardly's ChlorOut, or another brand that lets you measure it out by the "drops per gallon," you will find it easier than getting a brand that calls for so much per 5 gallons or such. Be sure to mix the water first, using a separate container, before adding it to the bowl.

Another important thing to do is to check the temperature of the water before adding it. Use a thermometer to be sure it's correct. This simple step will help you avoid many problems. :nod:

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