I don't even bother with the buckets; I just hose it in directly from the tap. I've added it before, during, or after adding water, with everything from 3-week-old angels to large plecs. This includes corys, platys, swords, and other fish that I've had over the years. Newly free swimming to 3-week-old fry get it pre-mixed in a bucket then trickled in. This gives me better temperature & water flow control, an accidental blast of water from opening a valve too fast, or a sudden change in temperature can wipe out a couple hundred angel fry in a blink. Most of my tanks get 50% wc weekly, fry start with 50% daily.
A while back I did a 50% wc on a 29 with somewhere around 70 dime size angels without adding dechlor. I got real bored after 2 hours of sitting there waiting for something to happen. I added dechlor, and went on to do something else. My water contains chlorine & chloramines; there was no difference between that tank & the 29 above it stocked similar.