I have to add into this that I have had my BGK for about 3 years or so and I don't have any problems with him. I don't own a nitrogen testing kit,,,I would like to get a pH meter,,,damn I am not a very good fish squeezer. But anways back to the question. I found the biggest thing that affects my ghost is his ability to hide. The first ghost I started out with I killed out of stupidity. (Don't hate me because I learned.) But I got tired of not seeing him so I took his hiding tube out. I did this for only one day and he never recovered and died a few days later even though the tube was put back in. My current ghost lives in a glass tube (one of the glass tubes you find on old oil burning lamps. It is not darkened at all and I can see him very clearly. I am starting to be more concerned with giving him a darkened hiding spot but so far he doesn't seem to mind. To help him though I don't turn on the light on that side of the tank. I know they are supposed to be hard to keep fish but again (knock on wood) I have not had this. To add in as a little horror story a few weeks ago I was sitting on the couch watching the news. All of the sudden I heard what sounded like my walls being torn down. I looked around the room and I got to watch the ghost's 30 gallon tank drain itself in about 60 seconds. Some how the glue that held the bottom to the side had seperated. I was so horrified that I started running for the trash can to try and catch a few gallons. My poor ghost was flopping on the gravel and he is my baby. I scooped him up in my hand and ran for the kitchen to the only tank I had available, a little ten gallon tank that was not heated but just at room temperature. Needless to say a few days later after he made it I went out and bought him a new 55 gallon tank where he now lives. So I wouldn't say they are gold fish but with just regular and proper care you should do fine.