Water Changes


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
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Hi, regards to the last topic aged water, thanks for the replies by the way, i noticed that some of you mix hot and cold tap water. I thought that this was a big no,no, i thought you could not use hot water from the tap it had to be boiled water from the kettle. Can anyone clarify.
Water in a standard boiler can be contaminated with metals and limescale when it has sat in the pipes so that should be avoided. Combi boilers are safer as they work like a kettle and only heat water when it is needed. Having said this many still use the hot water from a standard boiler but personally I wouldn't :no:
i use distilled water however this method can be a bit of an expense, but i have had better results than using tap water.
The way I understand it, plumbing in the UK is a little different from plumbing in the US. I use water heated by my gas fired hot water heater, straight from the tap, don't have any problems. This water is kept under line pressure, heated to around 130F in a 50 gallon water heater.

I believe parts of the UK have some sort of cistern setup or something above the living quarters, someone from the UK who knows plumbing could come along and teach me about how this works.
I use cold tap water filtered through carbon and then leave it to stand for a couple of days in a spare tank.

If you have to use hot water, I would recommend using a kettle.


Point me towards a 100 gallon kettle, and a way to heat it! :D
The way I understand it, plumbing in the UK is a little different from plumbing in the US. I use water heated by my gas fired hot water heater, straight from the tap, don't have any problems. This water is kept under line pressure, heated to around 130F in a 50 gallon water heater.

I believe parts of the UK have some sort of cistern setup or something above the living quarters, someone from the UK who knows plumbing could come along and teach me about how this works.

Your spot on Tolak. This set up is called an emersion heater and it basically a big copper vat that holds the water that is then heated. I have looked inside many of these emersion heaters when they have been well used and the metal discoloration and limescale buildup is not a pretty site :no:
Different areas can have vastly different water quality and element content. I use a small anount of hot water to get the correct temp and have no probs.
I fill a 25litre bucket with cold tap water & let it stand for 24hrs with haloex in to dechlorinate, then dip the bucket in a sink of hot water to get the temp to 25c.
hello ive had my fishtank for a year now and i just use tap water. I jsut feel for the right temperature for my fish, 25deg celcius, chlorinate it stir the water, and let it set for 10-25 mins, stir again then pour into the tank.
FYI the method i use is from somewhere that i had read up, and i know it may violate certain people about water changes, im still learning.

but for now, no fish have died and fish are really healthy :D
Even though we have a combi boiler I always boil a kettle to warm up my new tank water. I have noticed that sometimes hot water from the tap is a little cloudy looking.
Even though we have a combi boiler I always boil a kettle to warm up my new tank water. I have noticed that sometimes hot water from the tap is a little cloudy looking.

i noticed that too...but once u give it time to mix and settle in with the chlorinators, it becomes clear once again
You all must have freezing cold houses. I do not leave mine in a draft but after 24 hours and dechlorinator it can hardly be noticed and the heater in the tank does not move or come on for long . My hubby says most houses are 22 and the water will come up to that in 24 hours. Apart from some who have delicate fish we are usually aiming for 24 -26 mark or maybe my fish are freezing. No probs so far. Tell me different .

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