Water changes

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May 28, 2005
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I was looking after next doors goldfish (no fish of my own atm - they died and havnt been replaced yet) and was pondering. When i had my shubunkins i used to do it this way:
-net fish and pop them in a temporary lunchbox of water
-take out the silk plants etc and give them a good wash
-tip all the water and gravel out into a sieve
-clean the gravel and the tank
-fill back up with dechlorinated water
-replace fish and decorations

Its quite a very long winded way, and i did it every couple of weeks. I am somewhat stuck now though because i cant lift heavy things, and wont be able to for a LONG time because im silly and fell down the stairs because i trod on my own foot :rofl:

I've been reading lots about siphons, but dont really like the idea of getting fishy water in my mouth, yuck! Can anyone direct me to a place with PICTURES on how to use a siphon, or even tell me about another method that dosent involve heavy things???

Also, do you have to net the betta out before doing a water change? I'd assume you'd have to if you were doing 100% water changes!

Thanks so much :)
siphoning is fairly easy. and if u really dont want to chance getting water in your mouth you can get a syphon (gravel vacuum) that has a non return valve in it so u shake it and the water will eventually syphon itself. i get annoyed with it so i just suck the tube till the water comes out.

when the water gets past the highest water level in your tank (over the highest point of the tube obviously) you just take the tube out of your mouth and put it in the bucket - only thing is garden hose isnt briliant :p you need a clear tube so you can see where the water is at.

hope this helps!
I've got a real easy way. It looks complicated, but it really isn't. No mouth involved. Don't know if I can describe this so you will understand, but I'll give it a try.

Take one end of your hose. Put it under the water in the tank to be emptied. Make sure it will stay below the water line. Then start feeding the rest of the hose into the tank. Starting from the end that is under water. The idea is to get out all the air. Watch to make sure you are getting it all out. When you get to the other end put that under water too. wake sure there is no air in the hose, and both ends are under water. Now (While it is still under water) put your thumb over one end of the hose. With your thumb still tightly over the end ofthe hose, pick it up, place the end of the hose in a sink, bucket, etc. MAKS SURE THIS END IS LOWER THAN THE TANK. Now remove your thumb, and watch the water flow. :D
Oh i see! Thanks so much thats great. Hoorah no fishy water in my mouth :)

I shall also bear in mind clear tubing is good if i do have to do it the sucky way :D

I have a pump thing, it's got a vacuum bit on the end with a thing to stop the rocks from going up the tube, and on the other end is a pump bit, which you squeeze, and it sucks the water in. You have to squeeze it pretty fast to get a slow happening, but it'll start, and keep on sucking. I sometimes have trouble, and need to pump continuously, but it sure beats a mouthful of tank water, which I even managed to sometimes still get with a clear hose.

The lfs should stock something, I know mine has a few types, and this was pretty cheap.
Unfortunately, i refuse to buy ANYTHING from my LFS because they sell dyed fish :( Theres a Maidenhead Aquatics near me who are really good but pricey. I'll look out for the pump thing, thanks!
If you wash everything at the same time frequently you might disturb the good bacteria, which live on everything, and you will cause your tank to cycle (build up ammonia and nitrites.)

You might check some of the online suppliers for your supplies. Even with shipping if I make a reasonably good sized order I pay half what I would pay in any retail lfs. Credit card needed.
jollysue said:
If you wash everything at the same time frequently you might disturb the good bacteria, which live on everything, and you will cause your tank to cycle (build up ammonia and nitrites.)

You might check some of the online suppliers for your aupplies. Even with shipping if I make a reasonably good sized order I pay half what I would pay in any retail lfs. Credit card needed.

I use a syphon hose that hooks up to the faucet. The syphon is created by the pressure from the running water. The only problem I have is that I don't get a bucket of pure tank water for rinsing filters, etc., in. Still good trade off for not having to suck tank water.

Do learn about maintaining the health of your biological system though. Especially don't clean the filters and substrate in clorinated tap water. It is very important to fish long life. :nod:

Where do you buy fish food, water conditioners, etc., if you don't buy at your lfs? Like I said. online or catalogue is mich cheaper and more selection than lfs.
I dont have a credit card :( Maybe my mum will let me borrow hers...lol

There is a shop that sells just pet foods nearby which i buy my fishies food in :)
I use a gravel vac contraption that looks like this:


Excuse my horrible artwork please. :p Since mine has a clear tube I use the sucking method and I make sure that my mouth is out of the way before the water comes through. This thingo gets rid of poo and stuff because as keith565 said, it has enough power to lift muck and stuff but not gravel. I don't know about sand though, I'd think you'd just sort of hold the syphon a few inches away from the sand and not dig it in like you do with gravel.

Anyway, it syphons the water really quickly which is great, but for smaller tanks you need to pinch the tube so the flow isn't too fast and so you have time to vacuum! I can do a 1/2 water change in Jerry's 1.5 gal tank in about 30 seconds. :p

Gravel vacs are available from most, if not all, LFSs and with a bit of work you could make your own too. :)
Well that's ok. Just use your syphon hose to vacum the substrate the best you can. Keep the filter working good. You mentioned a heavy tank, what size are you caring for. If it is large, a 26-30% change may be plenty--if there is a filter.

What are you using to condition the water? It is important to condition the water to remove things that are toxic to fish but not necessarily humans and to maintain a stability in the water quality.

Great drawing, Splish.
I dont have any fish in my tank yet, but it is a 15 gallon glass tank. I can barely carry it when its empty because i screwed my shoulder up really badly. Do you think i can get away with 25% a week? I have a mini filter that dosent disturb the water too much.

I used to use dechlorinator from the pet food shop that said "suitable for all tropical fish" and seemed to work absolutely fine.

Really cool drawing Splish! Gravel vacs look useful, i might have to investigate further....
With a filter in a 15 usg and when the tank is cycled (the good bacteria are working full steam) you could do a 10% water change once a week, and that would normally be fine. You would be wise to get a test kit when you can to test the water at least weekly, plant a couple of very hardy plants if you have a 15 watt light minimum. You wouldn't get lush but some kinds of plants could live and that would help the water quality.

You could house easily 3 very happy bettas with a partioned 15 usg tank. Have a week or two between additions of fish. For the first few weeks you would need to do large water changes until the tank cycled (no longer built up ammonia because your good bacteria colonies got big enough to handle the waste your fish were making.

You can speed this process up by obtaining some filter media and gravel and decor from someone who has an established tank. Do not let it get dried out or go long w/o fish, or the bacteria will die.

There is another way to cycle a tank which is much easier on the fish. You would need to go to a thread on fishless cycling.

I thought you said you were caring for someones fish?

You will be very happy if you have a gravel vac :D
I have one of those siphons that you have to suck on it until the water comes out but I don't do that. I stick the whole thing in the tank then once all of the tumbs fill up with water I put my thumb over the small hole where the crud comes out then I stick it in the bucket and the water starts coming out.

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