By saturated too quickly I was referring to the buffering capacity of the water. My understanding (which is long time from A-level chemistry) is that soft water has lower buffering capacity to hard water due to it's lower Ca ionic content. If the carbonate is saturated with H+ then the pH becomes more volatile as the buffering capacity is lost. Admittedly I have not checked the KH and GH for the tank and this is purely hypothesised from what I know of the tank
With regards to the bacterial waste, is that waste not used up by plants or disperse into the atmosphere? What happens to this waste in the external environment if there is nothing else to break it down if it is not used by plants or animals. What is the nature of this waste: toxins, minerals? This was the main reason I asked this question on the scientific forum. I don't question the validity of water changes, just the reasoning behind them.
With regards to water lost by evaporation, if the reason to do a water change is to prevent a concentration of waste, then replacement of the evaporated water with distilled water should be sufficient to dilute this without adding to the waste/ undesirables.
Is a high level of TDS dangerous/ problematic to fish? Does it have any benefits in providing nutrients for plants?
One question ultimately from this is whether it is possible to have a completely sealed ecosystem if adequately balanced in terms of flora and fauna.
Also how do you know how much water to change if nitrate isn't a problem and how do you work this out/ what factors do you base it on?
Well, you're understanding is a little off. The word "saturation" there is completely wrong. Saturation involves adsorption or absorption, or some sort of "filling up" of an object. Some examples of the correct use would be when water has absorbed all the oxygen it can, it is right to call it saturated. When carbon has has all is adsorption sites filled, then it is called saturated.
The word you are looking for would be consumption. When all the buffering agents are consumed, then the pH starts dropping. Each H+ generated primarily as the end result of the cycling bacteria would react with a buffering agent. Once all the buffering agent is used up, then the excreted H+ cause the pH to drop. The best analogy is like a tank of gasoline. The car can use gasoline to keep going at the same speed, but once the gas tank is empty, the car slows down pretty quickly, just like the pH can drop pretty quickly.
Your word choice there is what confused me.
I have no doubt that some of the waste is used by plants, but I also have no doubt that it isn't all of it. I am sure some of the waste has to get washed away eventually and then is taken care of by something far, far away from the local environment. There are no perfectly closed systems in nature, unless you consider the entire Earth itself. So, while you can get close in a home fishtank, I think that trying to achieve perfectly closed is a fool's errand.
Having a high level of TDS can be bad for a fish -- it primarily depends on the species of fish. Plants in general do not like high TDS either, there is a nice middle zone between too hard and too soft for most plants. Most plants do better in slightly alkaline waters than acidic, though again, it is best not to stray too far from the plant's ideal zone. This will again depend heavily on species.
The nature of the fish waste is going to be complicated. Firstly, the big dogs. Ammonia is going to be around 90% of the waste, from both respiration and excretion. Urea is going to be close to the rest of the 10%. But, then there are all sorts of other things that fish excrete in small amounts -- phosphorus compounds, other nitrogenous compounds, etc. Look at Naylor, Moccia, and Durant "The Chemical Composition of Settleable Solid Fish Waste (Manure) from Commercial Rainbow Trout Farms in Ontario, Canada" in
North American Journal of Aquaculture 1999. Here's a quote from the abstract: "The manure samples from the commercial farms averaged 2.83% nitrogen (N), 2.54% phosphorus (P), 0.10% potassium (K), 6.99% calcium (Ca), and 0.53% magnesium (Mg) on a dry-weight basis. The concentrations of the metals, arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) were also measured. Mean concentrations of these metals ranged from 0.05 mg/kg for Hg to 1,942 mg/kg for Fe."
Lots and lots of stuff in there. There are all sorts of different processes to handle these. One of the easier ones would be for the plants to taken them up as their required micronutrients and then the fish eats the plant. But, most processes are not that simple. Most probably involve some sort of microorganism, and them some kind of worm or shrimp or something like that, which then involve maybe even some outside terrestrial animal, who really knows? This is why I say that there are no truly closed environments in earth, and trying to have one in 50 or 100 or 1000 gallons in your home is probably a fool's errand.