Water Changes! How Do You Do It?

well lets see,

i hook up my python to the tap, other end in the tank, turn it on,

then i sit in my chair and watch until the amount of water i want has been sucked out of the tank,

then i walk over to the tap and change the python to "fill",

then i sit in my chair and watch until the tank fills up,

then i unhook the python, done,

i guess i forgot one step.....i drink a beer while the tank is emptying, and one while the tank is filling,

buckets?.....not a chance!!!!
Gotta get me a python. I use a hose to empty but I refill using a watering can. It's no hassle but I do have a bad back. In my very late 30's.

One thing to add, make sure when water changing to do it after lights out or a good few hours before lights on.
This is interesting Steveo, why is that? I do mine hours before the lights come on but I put my lights on to do it so I can see to syphon up the poo.
Hey Mike, I hope you didn't forget the step of adding dechlor to the tank!!
Maybe that part came between the beers

Hey Hey Hey! Im 50 and I broke my back several years ago, so I know the pain you are referring to. I have the python hose method, but I found I needed a second person to help me, mainly for temp. changes and second I HATE leaks and hoses falling onto the floor, did I say I hated cleaning up 20 gallons of fish water on my kitchen floor?
I actually prefer the 5 gal. bucket method. This way I can see what I have vaccumed up, wanting mainly poop but getting fish sometimes. 50% water changes every 3-4 weeks. I add the dechlor. to the buckets then add the water to the tank. I never thought of adding the dechor. to the tank then the water? Is this safe? I assume so since several others do it that way. Just put it into the tank, like in one area or spread it out? The whole process takes about an hour including a very good job of cleaning the substrate(sand and small gravel) This works for me
I drain water when i do my syphoning every week.

I live in a 1st floor 1 bedroom flat, and the bathroom is about 8 metres away from my tank.

I syphon into buckets and tip it down the toilet, no way im going to trudge up and down stairs to tip it away!

I re fill straight from my electric shower....

I bought a valve from my local plumbing shop.......

I heated up the tubing and slid it over the valve, then take the shower head off and screw the valve onto the end of the shower pipe....


Then just trail the pipe to the tank, I have a rock I use to hold the pipe in place at the top of the tank.

I've found that the slowest speed is plenty quick enough to fill in a reasonable time and that temperature setting 3 is a very close match to my tank.

Simply disconnect when finished.

Easy peasy, no more decanting water from 25l containers into buckets for me ;-)
its very difficult for me but i must say clean your tank if clean your tank then your fishes happy....
got 100L wheelie bin from hardware store
vacuum water into bin
wheel bin outside, pour it on garden
fill bin with new water
dose it with dechlorinator
wait a few mins
use pond pump to pump the water from bin to tank
I never knew you should do a water change after lights out or before they go on????

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