Water Changes And Algae

It is true that, concerning brown algae (diatoms), a lot of even valuable sources claim that they thrive in low-light conditions, and therefore they recommend to increase the lighting period to get rid of them. This confused me a lot at the time, but in the case of my tank, half of it heavily covered with fake roots, it was clear where truth was: in the open space, directly under the lights, I had diatoms all over the sand, whereas in the shadow parts the sand was clear.

This said, after 6 months, I still have diatoms (photoperiod 8 h, 2x39 W T5, SG 1.002, 8 Zebra Nerites doing a great work, only a cuple of stems of hornwort, struggling against a systematic attack of whatever algae is colonizing it).
Lights on at rising and off at bedtime strikes me as a formula for never ending algae problems. For me that would mean 18 hours of light per day. I have algae problems any time I extend a lights on period beyond about 8 hours each day. Have you considered putting your lights on a timer and limiting the "on" time period to around 8 hours?

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