Water Change

For your present dilemma, the best plants are floating plants that can grow with the amount of light that you have. By floating on the surface, they will not be limited by a lack of CO2 and will grow as fast as they light supplied allows. I would look for duckweed, frogbit, water lettuce or similar floating plants and try to cover most of the tank's surface with the plants. As the surface becomes too crowded you remove some plants along with the nitrogen they have taken from the water. A rapid growth of plants can have a dramatic impact on the ammonia that you will measure.

Your saying the growth of the plants will lower the ammonia right?

I got to figure/wait for my nitrites to go from .50-0 and then I will add a few more fish.

My Nitrites are at .25 now yayayayaya

Should I still worry about changing the water soon or let it go (once again I don't want to disturb my bacteria since its in the process or forming)
I don't think I'd change water at this point since your tap has more ammonia than that. Did you ever manage to find any floating/emergent plants like OM47 has mentioned? Its entirely correct that this could be a significant addtion to helping your situation and with the large surface area of a 75g, you could float a ton of plants in there, just getting rid of some later if you don't want that many after the filter has cycled.

I don't think I'd change water at this point since your tap has more ammonia than that. Did you ever manage to find any floating/emergent plants like OM47 has mentioned? Its entirely correct that this could be a significant addtion to helping your situation and with the large surface area of a 75g, you could float a ton of plants in there, just getting rid of some later if you don't want that many after the filter has cycled.


I'm used well water the 1 time that I did a water change. The only other thing I have done was added 2 small clumps of floating plants (not sure of the name but I know they are the ones used to help hide the fry.)

Everything seems to be working out for the most part though so I would hate to change the water for some reason right now and mess anything up

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