Water Change


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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Funny story that has taught me a valuable lesson. I changed everything fine and all the fish are fine; however my tank is upstairs and I needed to take down a big bucket of icky water to dump outside because my parents frown upon having it dumped in the bathroom plus I can then help fertilize the plants. So I had taken my phone upstairs with me, put it in my pocket and then was bringing the bucket down the stairs when the phone fell into the bucket of water and sunk to the bottom and now I don't know if it is going to work again so I'll most likely have to buy my parents a new portable phone. Lesson learnt never carry any electrical devices unless they are secured in a zip up pocket. Just thought I'd let everyone in on my stupidity.
Don't give up hope! Put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two, stranger things have happened.

Once down the pub my mate tried to balance his mobile phone on a pint glass and it fell in. How we chuckled, but he didn't. He put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two (i think he took the battery out and dried that seperately - dont want that exploding!) and it was ok when put back together - smelt a bit though.................
I may have one from last night as good as that. I was doing a water change on my 5 gallon tank which sits on the table beside the TV. The DirecTV receiver sits on the shelf underneath. While I was changing the water I heard my wife say that the TV just went off. I looked and the TV was still on and so was the DirecTV receiver but the receiver had a few drops of water on it near the air vents on the top. I finally disconnected it and moved the one from the bedroom into the liveing room and hooked it up. I still don't know if the other one si going to work again or not. I'm hoping that it will be dried out this afternoon and will work but I may have fried it. As Greener said, water and electronics don't mix.
I also "drowned" a phone once - but after a week of drying out it worked again 100%. For the first few days it was pretty much "dead" so don't give up hope yet ! :lol:
Lesson learnt ;)
Yay a happy ending to my story, the phone is now working. My mom took the battery out and then put all the pieces in front of the gas fireplace for a while and that seemed to dry it out nicely and now I know not to carry electronics with me when doing a water change. Now hopefully that TV reciever that got wet will start or has started working.
ncjharris said:
Don't give up hope! Put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two, stranger things have happened.

Once down the pub my mate tried to balance his mobile phone on a pint glass and it fell in. How we chuckled, but he didn't. He put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two (i think he took the battery out and dried that seperately - dont want that exploding!) and it was ok when put back together - smelt a bit though.................

Accidentally washed my mobile last week..... forgot it was in my jeans pocket! Before I put my jeans in the dryer the phone fell on the floor with water coming out of it from all over. I took the battery off, took out the sim card and let it sit in the sun for half a day and now.... not only does it work again but it's shiny and new and smells great! :D
Just checked my satellite receiver and it will come on again so that's a good sign. I haven't hooked it back up yet but am hopeful that everything will be ok.
ncjharris said:
Don't give up hope! Put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two, stranger things have happened.

Once down the pub my mate tried to balance his mobile phone on a pint glass and it fell in. How we chuckled, but he didn't. He put it in the airing cupboard for a day or two (i think he took the battery out and dried that seperately - dont want that exploding!) and it was ok when put back together - smelt a bit though.................

I saw a survey by vodafone or another mobile supplier and they estimated 1 in 120 phones sold is at one point or another totally submerged in water by accident, and half of those are pints of beer :lol:
Fishist said:
Accidentally washed my mobile last week..... forgot it was in my jeans pocket! Before I put my jeans in the dryer the phone fell on the floor with water coming out of it from all over. I took the battery off, took out the sim card and let it sit in the sun for half a day and now.... not only does it work again but it's shiny and new and smells great! :D
I was eatting breakfast at a fastfood restaurant a couple years ago and accidentally dropped my cellphone in my gravy biscuit. It still worked but it took for ever to get all the gravy and grease out of the holes and crevices. And everytime I talked on it after that, I got hungry. :lol:

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