One last post on this to report tank conditions after two water changes. pH stable at 6.9
This experience points up the value of believing in test results and correcting only that which is outside the norm.
I don’t test often - only if I suspect a problem - but this problem ALMOST had me shotgunning all kinds of things instead of dealing with just the test result that was out of wack - water hardness.
pH 6.9
Alkalinity 110
Hardness 100
NitrIte 0
NitrAte 20
I did do a test on leaving a water jug out pre-fertilized for 3 days in what I would call bright room light (no direct sun). pH started out at 7.1 and was 6.6 after the first 24 hours. By the end of 3 days the water was a bit cloudy and the pH was 6.5. Needless to say, I have stopped pre-fertilizing and holding tank water. I mix the fert at the time of water change.
Lessons learned...
This experience points up the value of believing in test results and correcting only that which is outside the norm.
I don’t test often - only if I suspect a problem - but this problem ALMOST had me shotgunning all kinds of things instead of dealing with just the test result that was out of wack - water hardness.
pH 6.9
Alkalinity 110
Hardness 100
NitrIte 0
NitrAte 20

I did do a test on leaving a water jug out pre-fertilized for 3 days in what I would call bright room light (no direct sun). pH started out at 7.1 and was 6.6 after the first 24 hours. By the end of 3 days the water was a bit cloudy and the pH was 6.5. Needless to say, I have stopped pre-fertilizing and holding tank water. I mix the fert at the time of water change.
Lessons learned...