Water Change And Water Levels Still High?

Hey everybody again. I checked my tank this morning before work, and a Cherry Barb was dead in the tan, but yesterday i noticed he was acting a little sluggish and kind of constantly opening and closing his mouth while just kind of floating around the tank? I tested the water again with a test strip (i apoligise, i know they're not very accurate but it's all i have!) The reading on the strip seems to be the levels are alot better than they was yesterday morning, so they seem to be improving if the strips are just somewhat reliable. Any further ideas anybody? Or is it more than likely because of me adding a few too many things of sunday and causing it to mini-cyle like what's been suggested?
Its true that if the tank is not yet fully cycled (as we suspect from the strips showing nitrite(NO2) above zero ppm) and you add more aquatic life (bioload) then the situation will indeed get worse, needing larger and/or more frequent water changes in order to keep the fish safely below 0.25ppm ammonia and/or nitrite(NO2).


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