The thread lives again!

Just an FYI, I've kinda benched this project for a while. I've got a small leak and the thing's too big to fully submerge to figure out where it is. I think I did a pretty good job cementing the pvc, and then I reinforced it with a silicone seal. I was thinking it might be the gasket so I reinforced the seal with silicone on the inside and out but to no avail. It takes about 24 hours for the thing to empty, and the bubbles are coming from the side where the gasket is. Any ideas? I really don't have anywhere to submerge it. I don't think the tub would work as it wouldn't create the necessary pressure.

In any respect, I wouldn't feel safe putting it into comission full time until I put in place some overflows. I came up with a pretty sweet idea for an overflow that doesn't require any drilling, but I don't have the time to put it together these days, so looks like this is shelved for a bit.

Here's it's resting place for now:
Oh yeah, and as far as the "science" is concerned, the easiest thing to ask yourself to explain it is:
If the water fell out what would replace it? Air? If so where would the air come from?
You can also think of it as a siphon that has reach equilibrium.
Cool project! It's looking really good! :cool:

Couldn't you ask your local sport's centre for the use of their swimming pool after hours? or do you have a friend with one - even a large pond should work.
Thanks :) I could try my local Y to see if I could use their indoor pool. I'm affraid pools are closed for the winter here, and quite frankly it's a little too cold for my liking to try that outside. I should have done it earlier, just no time :blush:

EDIT: Does anyone know if there would be any negative chemical reaction between the chlorine in the water and the pvc/pvc bonds/rubber seal/steel pipes/brass valve/silicone seals?
nope, chlorine wont hurt nuttin! i probly have more chlorine in my water than you do in your pools :lol:
This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while. I like the idea alot and I understand the concept totally. I wish I had two tanks side by side like yours with fish whom can live with each other. I'm going to do something like this with two 5 gallon tanks I think, using some clear ABS piping instead of the PVC pipe you used because its a little too pricey I think. I have a question though.

How are you mounting this water bridge inside the two tanks? Maybe I missed that part....

Thanks for the idea man, this is gonna be a neat project. I wonder whom would use the bridge? The community tanks (guppies/swords/tetras) or the cichlid tanks?

I bridge two 10 gallons (cichlids) too and see what they do. I need another 10 gallon for that though.

I wouldn't touch my 40 gallon though, my Angels would get stuck probably!!

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