Wat Diffusing Methods Are U Using?

My 120l uses this method. The filter inlet sucks my ceramic CO2 diffuser bubbles straight in.

My 60l will be using a reactor.

My 24l will be using a ceramic diffuser by the filter outlet, blowing CO2 around the tank.

I have my co2 tubing pushed into a hole drilled at the bottom of my filter intake strainer. Bubbles just get sucked straight up into the external filter (Rena Filstar XP2). Have had no problems with this and I am assuming that all of the Co2 is getting dissolved very efficiently as even with 1 bubble/sec the filter never needs to clear itself of any CO2 build-up. All in it seems a very easy and effective method.
In my 33US gallon Im using a ceramic glass diffuser that creates a mist of Co2 bubbles that then get blown around the tank by a lilly pipe (cheapo one that came with external filter).

Woops, didnt see this
How many ppl have their diffusers in their canisters intake?
Only saw the
Wat Diffusing Methods Are U Using?
and started typing.
I have my co2 tubing pushed into a hole drilled at the bottom of my filter intake strainer. Bubbles just get sucked straight up into the external filter (Rena Filstar XP2). Have had no problems with this and I am assuming that all of the Co2 is getting dissolved very efficiently as even with 1 bubble/sec the filter never needs to clear itself of any CO2 build-up. All in it seems a very easy and effective method.

really I have a rena too...If I put it in the intake too will the bubbles go thru my Uv sterilizer and reyna efficiently?
I have my co2 tubing pushed into a hole drilled at the bottom of my filter intake strainer. Bubbles just get sucked straight up into the external filter (Rena Filstar XP2). Have had no problems with this and I am assuming that all of the Co2 is getting dissolved very efficiently as even with 1 bubble/sec the filter never needs to clear itself of any CO2 build-up. All in it seems a very easy and effective method.

really I have a rena too...If I put it in the intake too will the bubbles go thru my Uv sterilizer and reyna efficiently?

Should be fine. I have drilled a hole in the middle of the underside of my filter intake - just a fraction smaller than the diameter of my tubing, so that the Co2 tube is a snug fit and is not in danger of being dislodged. The tube is pushed through about 5mm. Your filter sponges and the filter impellor should be sufficient to break up the large bubbles and thus efficiently diffuse the CO2. It also means that the CO2 is in contact with the water for a long period of time and therefore maximises diffusion. I rarely see any CO2 coming out of my filter outlet - and on the odd occasion I do, at the end of the day, it is in the form of a few micro bubbles that then get pushed around the tank with the water flow.
I've tried all the methods mentioned. CO2 mist via a glass/ceramic diffuser with good water circulation is by far the most effective technique in my experience.

I am seeing pearling on my crypts with just 1.1wpg.
havent tried the glass diffuser yet and will its probably best for me
Are we asking - Which diffuser works best with DIY CO2?.
Coz, I am planning on running 2 Nutrafin kits linked together,, Any suggestions on best difuser would also be appreciated....i.e Run into filter intake, versus galss difusser.. If glass is suggested can anyone recommend one for DIY co2?
I'm using a Spio III glass diffuser if bought off Ebay and I have it hooked up to 2 - 2 liter bottles. It's working great.
Thats the one I bought and couldnt get to work.. Maybe I'll try again.. or pay twice as much and get the same from Aquaessentials. - Oh decisions

I'm using a Spio III glass diffuser if bought off Ebay and I have it hooked up to 2 - 2 liter bottles. It's working great.

You gotta soak the piece for awhile. I had the same problem, the disk has to have time to get wet, if u squeeze the bottle this will also help get the ball rolling, by forcing air through the disk.

I use a glass diffuser I got off ebay. It arrived chipped in a few spots (came from asia) but it works fine. I do not know my CO2 levels however.
I have 2 Nutrafin kits going into a gang valve then glass bubble counter then glass non return feeding into a glass/ceramic Rhinox 2000 diffusor.

Sits half under my internal Fluval3Plus and half outside.

Works a treat bubble wise. The half under the filter means the bubbles go into the side of the filter and out through the spray bar. the half not under the filter some go in the side of the filter, and the rest get taken by the current.

(My Nutrafins are sheathed in a hiking sock each for insulation)

The drop checker using the 4Kh solution is light green in the morning (when the CO2 has gathered during the night) and dark green at night (when the plants have taken their bit during the day)
The glass/ceramic diffusers seem much much smaller than the ladder that comes with the Nutrafin kit: any reason why either is better than the other beyond cost? If I can remove further bulky equipment from inside the tank then excellent!

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